- least-squares projection
- мат. проекция методом наименьших квадратов
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Least-squares spectral analysis — (LSSA) is a method of estimating a frequency spectrum, based on a least squares fit of sinusoids to data samples, similar to Fourier analysis. [cite book | title = Variable Stars As Essential Astrophysical Tools | author = Cafer Ibanoglu |… … Wikipedia
Least-squares estimation of linear regression coefficients — In parametric statistics, the least squares estimator is often used to estimate the coefficients of a linear regression. The least squares estimator optimizes a certain criterion (namely it minimizes the sum of the square of the residuals). In… … Wikipedia
Least squares — The method of least squares is a standard approach to the approximate solution of overdetermined systems, i.e., sets of equations in which there are more equations than unknowns. Least squares means that the overall solution minimizes the sum of… … Wikipedia
Linear least squares (mathematics) — This article is about the mathematics that underlie curve fitting using linear least squares. For statistical regression analysis using least squares, see linear regression. For linear regression on a single variable, see simple linear regression … Wikipedia
Ordinary least squares — This article is about the statistical properties of unweighted linear regression analysis. For more general regression analysis, see regression analysis. For linear regression on a single variable, see simple linear regression. For the… … Wikipedia
Partial least squares regression — In statistics, the method of partial least squares regression (PLS regression) bears some relation to principal component analysis; instead of finding the hyperplanes of minimum variance, it finds a linear model describing some predicted… … Wikipedia
Projection (linear algebra) — Orthogonal projection redirects here. For the technical drawing concept, see orthographic projection. For a concrete discussion of orthogonal projections in finite dimensional linear spaces, see vector projection. The transformation P is the… … Wikipedia
Degrees of freedom (statistics) — In statistics, the number of degrees of freedom is the number of values in the final calculation of a statistic that are free to vary.[1] Estimates of statistical parameters can be based upon different amounts of information or data. The number… … Wikipedia
Scale-invariant feature transform — Feature detection Output of a typical corner detection algorithm … Wikipedia
List of statistics topics — Please add any Wikipedia articles related to statistics that are not already on this list.The Related changes link in the margin of this page (below search) leads to a list of the most recent changes to the articles listed below. To see the most… … Wikipedia
Principal component analysis — PCA of a multivariate Gaussian distribution centered at (1,3) with a standard deviation of 3 in roughly the (0.878, 0.478) direction and of 1 in the orthogonal direction. The vectors shown are the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix scaled by… … Wikipedia