learning network
Смотреть что такое "learning network" в других словарях:
National Learning Network — The National Learning Network (NLN) was a UK national partnership programme designed to increase the uptake of Information Learning Technology (ILT) across the learning and skills sector in England. Supported by the Learning and Skills Council… … Wikipedia
West London Lifelong Learning Network — The West London Lifelong Learning Network is a government funded partnership. It aims to increase the number of vocational learners progressing to and through Higher Education using flexible learning, and respond to employers’ skills shortages.… … Wikipedia
Quantum Learning Network — The Quantum Learning Network (QLN) is an education and training organization based in Oceanside, California. Prior to 2005, the organization was known as the Learning Forum. The QLN s flagship program is SuperCamp, a summer camp program developed … Wikipedia
Bionic Learning Network — Das Bionic Learning Network ist ein Forschungsverbund des Unternehmens Festo mit Hochschulen, Instituten und Entwicklungsfirmen. Ziel der Initiative ist, durch die Anwendung der Bionik neuartige Technologieträger hervorzubringen.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Armenian Distance Learning Network — Infobox Website name = Armenian Distance Learning Network url = http://www.e courses.am/ commercial = Yes type = Electronic learning, Distance education registration = owner = Adena Ltd, Republic of Armenia author = Albert Poghosyan Armenian… … Wikipedia
SUNY Learning Network — The SUNY Learning Network (SLN) is a system of online courses and online degree programs organized by the State University of New York. The program offers thousands of online courses along with more than 80 online degree programs, including… … Wikipedia
Vancouver Learning Network — The Vancouver Learning Network (formerly Greater Vancouver Distance Education School) is a public distance learning organization headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It primarily offers distance learning opportunities for school… … Wikipedia
Learning object metadata — is a data model, usually encoded in XML, used to describe a learning object and similar digital resources used to support learning. The purpose of learning object metadata is to support the reusability of learning objects, to aid discoverability … Wikipedia
Learning Management — is the capacity to design pedagogic strategies that achieve learning outcomes in students. Definition The term Learning Management refers to the capacity to design pedagogic strategies that achieve learning outcomes in students. The emphasis is… … Wikipedia
Network governance — (also called “network organization”,[1] “networks forms of organization”,[2] “interfirm networks”, “organization networks”,[3]” flexible specialization”,[4] “network centric organisation” and “quasi firms” … Wikipedia
Learning log — Learning logs are a personalized learning resource for children. In the learning logs, the children record their responses to learning challenges set by their teachers. Each log is a unique record of the child s thinking and learning. The logs… … Wikipedia