leap|frog — «LEEP FROG, FRG», noun, verb, frogged, frog|ging. –n. 1. a game in which players take turns jumping over the others who are bending over. 2. Military. a method of advancing against an enemy in which the most forward unit provides protective fire… … Useful english dictionary
leap frog — perėjimas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Judėjimas, kai paramos padaliniai apeina arba praeina pro kitus padalinius pagal remiamų pajėgų judėjimo kryptį. atitikmenys: angl. leap frog pranc. progression par bonds … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Leap-Frog (comics) — Leap Frog is the name of two Marvel Comics supervillains who use a Frog suit costume containing electrical coils on the soles of each of the two flippers which allow the wearer to leap great distances up to 60ft high or 100ft long. The boots… … Wikipedia
Leap Frog (board game) — Leap Frog is a two player abstract strategy game. It can actually be played by several players at once. The game is an old classic, and may have derived from Solitaire and draughts. It is essentially a multi player version of Solitaire. A square… … Wikipedia
leap frog — noun A childrens game of lining up, squatting down on all fours, with the person last in line then leaping over each of the others in turn, like a frog and squatting down when at the front of the line … Wiktionary
leap-frog — game with includes jumping over the heads of other players … English contemporary dictionary
leap-frog — n. & v. n. a game in which players in turn vault with parted legs over another who is bending down. v. ( frogged, frogging) 1 intr. (foll. by over) perform such a vault. 2 tr. vault over in this way. 3 tr. & intr. (of two or more people, vehicles … Useful english dictionary
Frog-march — Frog marching refers to the practice of forcibly transporting suspects or prisoners through a public place, up to and including carrying them such that their limbs splay in a frog like manner. ( Perp walking is similar, but implies the subjects… … Wikipedia
Frog-Man — This article is about the Marvel superhero Eugene Patilio. For the other Marvel supervillains, see Leap Frog (comics) and Frog Man (Ani Men) .: for general use of the term see frogman. Superherobox| caption= comic color=background:#ff8080… … Wikipedia
leap — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Spring through the air Nouns 1. leap, jump, hop, spring, bound, vault; bounce (see recoil). 2. dance, caper; curvet, prance, skip, gambol, frolic, romp, buck. 3. leaper, jumper, kangaroo, jerboa, chamois … English dictionary for students
leap — {{11}}leap (n.) c.1200, from O.E. hliep, hlyp (W.Saxon), *hlep (Mercian, Northumbrian) a leap, bound, spring, sudden movement; thing to leap from; common Germanic (Cf. O.Fris. hlep, Du. loop, O.H.G. hlouf, Ger. lauf); from the root of LEAP (Cf.… … Etymology dictionary