leafy vegetable
Смотреть что такое "leafy vegetable" в других словарях:
leafy vegetable — noun any of various leafy plants or their leaves and stems eaten as vegetables • Syn: ↑greens, ↑green • Hypernyms: ↑vegetable, ↑veggie, ↑veg • Hyponyms: ↑chop suey gre … Useful english dictionary
leafy — [lēf′ē] adj. leafier, leafiest 1. of, covered with, consisting of, or like a leaf or leaves 2. having many leaves 3. having broad leaves or consisting mainly of such leaves [spinach is a leafy vegetable] leafiness n … English World dictionary
leafy — /ˈlifi/ (say leefee) adjective (leafier, leafiest) 1. having a lot of leaves or foliage: a leafy vegetable. 2. having a lot of trees or plants: a leafy suburb. 3. covered with leaves: a leafy pathway. 4. leaf like; foliaceous. –leafiness, noun …
Vegetable — For other uses, see Vegetable (disambiguation). Farmers market showing vegetable … Wikipedia
vegetable processing — Introduction preparation of vegetables (vegetable) for use by humans as food. Vegetables consist of a large group of plants consumed as food. Perishable when fresh but able to be preserved by a number of processing methods, they are… … Universalium
vegetable */*/*/ — UK [ˈvedʒtəb(ə)l] / US [ˈvedʒ(ə)təb(ə)l] noun Word forms vegetable : singular vegetable plural vegetables 1) a) [countable] a part of a plant used as food, for example a potato, bean, or cabbage Eat more fresh fruit, vegetables, and salads. We… … English dictionary
vegetable — veg|e|ta|ble [ vedʒ(ə)təbl ] noun *** 1. ) count a part of a plant used as food, for example a potato, bean, or CABBAGE: We grow all our own vegetables and herbs. Eat more fresh fruit, vegetables, and salads. fresh/green/leafy vegetables a ) only … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Leaf vegetable — Fresh Swiss chard Fresh water spinach … Wikipedia
Corchorus — For other plants also known as mallows , see Mallow. Corchorus Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae … Wikipedia
Cuisine of Singapore — The cuisine of Singapore is often viewed by people as a prime example of the ethnic diversity of the culture of Singapore. The food is heavily influenced by Malay, Chinese, Indian (specifically southern Indian styles), Indonesian, and even… … Wikipedia
Caryophyllales — ▪ plant order Introduction pink or carnation order of dicotyledonous flowering plants. The order includes 33 families, which contain more than 11,000 species in 692 genera. Nearly half of the families are very small, with less than a dozen… … Universalium