leaf fall
Смотреть что такое "leaf fall" в других словарях:
leaf-fall — leafˈ fall noun 1. The shedding of leaves 2. The time of the shedding of leaves, usu autumn 3. Premature fall of leaves • • • Main Entry: ↑leaf … Useful english dictionary
leaf fall — lapkritys statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Lapų kritimo metas prasidedant šaltajam ar sausajam sezonui. atitikmenys: angl. defoliation; fall of the leaf; leaf fall; phylloptosis vok. Laubfall, m rus. листопад, m … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
leaf fall — noun 1. : the natural separation and dropping of the leaf at the end of the growing season and over a short period in deciduous plants or intermittently throughout the year in coniferous trees compare abscission 2. : fallen leaves on the forest… … Useful english dictionary
fall of the leaf — lapkritys statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Lapų kritimo metas prasidedant šaltajam ar sausajam sezonui. atitikmenys: angl. defoliation; fall of the leaf; leaf fall; phylloptosis vok. Laubfall, m rus. листопад, m … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
leaf drop — noun : a premature falling of leaves (as the blighting and drooping of leaves associated with various virus diseases of the potato) compare leaf fall … Useful english dictionary
Leaf peeping — Fall foliage peak times in the United States Leaf peeping is an informal term, commonly used in the United States, for people who travel to view and photograph the fall foliage in areas where foliage changes colors, particularly New England.[1] … Wikipedia
Fall Brawl — was an annual pay per view in World Championship Wrestling (WCW) held in the month of September from 1993 through 2000. The name was derived from the fall edition of Clash of the Champions , called Fall Brawl. It was considered by many as WCW s… … Wikipedia
Fall Out Boy — Слева направо: Пит Венц, Патрик Стамп, Энди Хёрли и Джо Троман … Википедия
leaf-scar — leafˈ scar noun A scar left by the fall of a leaf • • • Main Entry: ↑leaf … Useful english dictionary
fall — and autumn are used on both sides of the Atlantic as the name for the third season of the year, although in everyday use autumn is standard in BrE and fall in AmE. Fall is a shortening of the phrase fall of the year or fall of the leaf, and was… … Modern English usage
leaf-peep er — leaf peeper, or leaf peep er «LEEF pee puhr», noun. a person who travels to view the changes in color of leaves during the fall … Useful english dictionary