Смотреть что такое "leadwort" в других словарях:
Leadwort — Lead wort , n. (Bot.) A genus of maritime herbs ({Plumbago}). {Plumbago Europ[ae]a} has lead colored spots on the leaves, and nearly lead colored flowers. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Leadwort — is a common name for flowering plants in the family Plumbaginaceae, in particular those in the genera: * Ceratostigma * Plumbago … Wikipedia
leadwort — [led′wʉrt΄] n. [ LEAD2 + WORT2] any of several shrubby plants (genus Plumbago) of a family (Plumbaginaceae, order Plumbaginales) of dicotyledonous plants grown for their ornamental white, blue, or red flowers, esp. in warm climates … English World dictionary
leadwort family — the plant family Plumbaginaceae, characterized by shrubs and herbaceous plants of seacoasts and semiarid regions, having basal or alternate leaves, spikelike clusters of tubular flowers, and dry, one seeded fruit, and including leadwort, sea… … Universalium
leadwort family — lead′wort fam ily n. pln a family, Plumbaginaceae, of shrubs and nonwoody plants, having basal or alternate leaves and spikes of tubular flowers: includes leadwort, sea lavender, statice, and thrift … From formal English to slang
leadwort family — noun perennial herbs and shrubs and lianas; cosmopolitan especially in saltwater areas • Syn: ↑Plumbaginaceae, ↑family Plumbaginaceae, ↑sea lavender family • Derivationally related forms: ↑plumbaginaceous (for: ↑Plumbaginaceae … Useful english dictionary
leadwort — /led werrt , wawrt /, n. any plant or shrub of the genus Plumbago, having spikes of blue, white, or red flowers. [1855 60; LEAD2 + WORT2] * * * … Universalium
leadwort — [ lɛdwə:t] noun another term for plumbago (in sense 2) … English new terms dictionary
leadwort — lead•wort [[t]ˈlɛdˌwɜrt, ˌwɔrt[/t]] n. pln any plant or shrub of the genus Plumbago, having spikes of blue, white, or red flowers • Etymology: 1855–60 … From formal English to slang
leadwort — n. = PLUMBAGO 2 … Useful english dictionary
Cape leadwort — afrikinis pliumbagis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Pliumbaginių šeimos dekoratyvinis augalas (Plumbago auriculata), paplitęs pietų Afrikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Plumbago auriculata angl. Cape leadwort; plumbago isp. azulina; celestina;… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)