leader tape

leader tape
начальный заправочный конец ленты, пусковой ракорд

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "leader tape" в других словарях:

  • Leader tape — RadioPP Plastic, metallic, or paper tape used in conjunction with magnetic tape for marking and spacing purposes …   Audio and video glossary

  • leader tape — noun : a nonmagnetic tape of paper or plastic used in magnetic recording at the beginning or end of a reel or as a marking for the beginning of a selection within the tape …   Useful english dictionary

  • leader — ► NOUN 1) a person or thing that leads. 2) a person or thing that is the most successful or advanced in a particular area. 3) the principal player in a music group. 4) Brit. a leading article in a newspaper. 5) (also Leader of the House) Brit. a… …   English terms dictionary

  • leader — [lēd′ər] n. 1. a person or thing that leads; directing, commanding, or guiding head, as of a group or activity 2. a horse harnessed before all others in the same hitch or as one of the two horses in the foremost span 3. a pipe for carrying fluid; …   English World dictionary

  • leader — lead|er W1S3 [ˈli:də US ər] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(in control)¦ 2¦(competition)¦ 3¦(product company)¦ 4¦(newspaper)¦ 5¦(musician)¦ 6¦(musical director)¦ 7¦(tape)¦ 8¦(branch)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1.) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • leader — lead|er [ lidər ] noun count *** ▸ 1 someone in control of group ▸ 2 someone/something first in race ▸ 3 the first/best etc. ▸ 4 start/end of film/tape ▸ 5 in fishing ▸ 6 shoot from tree/bush ▸ 7 editorial in newspaper ▸ 8 in band/orchestra 1. )… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • leader — noun (C) 1 IN CONTROL the person who directs or controls a team, organization, country etc: The prize was awarded to President de Klerk and the ANC leader Nelson Mandela. | a born leader (+ of): the leader of the local black community 2 RACE the… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • leader — leaderless, adj. /lee deuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that leads. 2. a guiding or directing head, as of an army, movement, or political group. 3. Music. a. a conductor or director, as of an orchestra, band, or chorus. b. the player at the head of …   Universalium

  • leader — lead•er [[t]ˈli dər[/t]] n. 1) a person or thing that leads 2) a guiding or directing head, as of an army or political group 3) mad a) conductor 3) b) the principal musical performer in a group 4) a featured article of trade, esp. one offered at… …   From formal English to slang

  • leader — noun Date: 14th century 1. something that leads: as a. a primary or terminal shoot of a plant b. tendon, sinew c. plural dots or hyphens (as in an index) used to lead the eye horizontally ; ellipsis 2 d. chiefly British a newspaper editorial …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • leader — noun 1》 the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.     ↘(also Leader of the House) Brit. a member of the government officially responsible for initiating business in Parliament. 2》 the principal player in a music group.… …   English new terms dictionary

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