lead cation charge

lead cation charge
верхний слой катионита (загрузки ионитного фильтра)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "lead cation charge" в других словарях:

  • Cation-pi interaction — is a noncovalent molecular interaction between the face of an electron rich pi system (e.g. benzene, ethylene) with an adjacent cation (e.g. Li+, Na+). This unusual interaction is an example of noncovalent bonding between a monopole (cation) and… …   Wikipedia

  • Dihydrogen cation — The hydrogen molecular ion, dihydrogen cation, or H2+, is the simplest molecular ion. It is composed of two positively charged protons and one negatively charged electron, and can be formed from ionization of a neutral hydrogen molecule. It is of …   Wikipedia

  • Ion — Cation and Anion redirect here. For the particle physics/quantum computing concept, see Anyon. For other uses, see Ion (disambiguation). Hydrogen atom (center) contains a single proton and a single electron. Removal of the electron gives a cation …   Wikipedia

  • chemical compound — Introduction  any substance composed of identical molecules consisting of atoms (atom) of two or more chemical elements (chemical element).       All the matter in the universe is composed of the atoms of more than 100 different chemical elements …   Universalium

  • chemical bonding — ▪ chemistry Introduction       any of the interactions that account for the association of atoms into molecules, ions, crystals, and other stable species that make up the familiar substances of the everyday world. When atoms approach one another …   Universalium

  • chemistry — /kem euh stree/, n., pl. chemistries. 1. the science that deals with the composition and properties of substances and various elementary forms of matter. Cf. element (def. 2). 2. chemical properties, reactions, phenomena, etc.: the chemistry of… …   Universalium

  • clay mineral — any of a group of hydrous aluminum silicate minerals, as kaolinite, illite, and montmorillonite, that constitute the major portion of most clays. [1945 50] * * * Any of a group of important hydrous aluminum silicates with a layered structure and… …   Universalium

  • Metal ions in aqueous solution — A metal ion in aqueous solution is a cation, dissolved in water, of chemical formula [M(H2O)n]z+. The solvation number, n, determined by a variety of experimental methods is 4 for Li+ and Be2+ and 6 for elements in rows 3 and 4 of the periodic… …   Wikipedia

  • Membrane potential — Differences in concentration of ions on opposite sides of a cellular membrane lead to a voltage called the membrane potential. Many ions have a concentration gradient across the membrane, including potassium (K+), which is at a high inside and a… …   Wikipedia

  • Hydroxide — Lewis structure of the hydroxide ion showing three lone pairs on the oxygen atom …   Wikipedia

  • nervous system — Anat., Zool. 1. the system of nerves and nerve centers in an animal or human, including the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and ganglia. 2. a particular part of this system. Cf. autonomic nervous system, central nervous system, peripheral nervous… …   Universalium

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