- leaching solution
- выщелачивающий раствор, раствор для выщелачивания
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
solution — Synonyms and related words: action, ad hoc measure, adaptation, allegorization, answer, arrangement, artifice, blend, chemical solution, clarification, colliquation, compound, conclusion, contrivance, countermove, coup, course of action, cracking … Moby Thesaurus
solution mining — removal of a soluble mineral by dissolving it and leaching it out, as in the Frasch process. * * * … Universalium
leaching — the removal of minerals in solution from soils when water moves down through the soil and drains away … Geography glossary
leaching — 1. The removal of materials in solution from soil, rock, or waste [22]. 2. Separation or dissolving out of soluble constituents from a porous medium by percolation of water [22] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
solution mining — removal of a soluble mineral by dissolving it and leaching it out, as in the Frasch process … Useful english dictionary
Tank leaching — Tank leaching, also called vat leaching, is a hydrometallurgical method of extracting valuable material (usually metals) from ore. It involves placing ore, usually after size reduction and classification, in large tanks or vats containing a… … Wikipedia
Heap leaching — is an industrial mining process to extract precious metals and copper compounds from ore.ProcessThe mined ore is crushed into small chunks and heaped on an impermeable plastic and/or clay lined leach pad where it can be irrigated with a leach… … Wikipedia
Selective leaching — Selective leaching, also called dealloying, demetalification, parting and selective corrosion, is a corrosion type in some solid solution alloys, when in suitable conditions a component of the alloys is preferentially leached from the material.… … Wikipedia
Dump leaching — is an industrial process to extract precious metals and copper from ores.[1] Dump leaching is similar to heap leaching, however in the case of dump leaching ore is taken directly from the mine and stacked on the leach pad without crushing where,… … Wikipedia
Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure — (TCLP) is a soil sample extraction method for chemical analysis employed as an analytical method to simulate leaching through a landfill. The leachate is analysed for substances appropriate to the protocol.The Resource Conservation and Recovery… … Wikipedia
Pregnant leach solution — (PLS) is acidic copper laden water generated from stockpile leaching and heap leaching. Pregnant Leach Solution is used in the SX/EW process.The portion of an original liquid that remains after other components have been dissolved by a solvent is … Wikipedia