lazy Susan
Смотреть что такое "lazy Susan" в других словарях:
Lazy Susan — ☆ Lazy Susan n. a rotating tray placed at the center of a dining table, from which one can help oneself to food … English World dictionary
Lazy Susan — A Lazy Susan is a rotating tray placed on top of a table to aid in moving food on a large table or counter tops. They come in many sizes and shapes, but are usually circular. They may be made of glass, wood, steel, plastic, or various other hard… … Wikipedia
lazy Susan — 1. a revolving tray for foods, condiments, etc., placed usually at the center of a dining table. 2. any similar structure, as a shelf or tabletop, designed to revolve so that whatever it holds can be seen or reached easily. Also, lazy susan, Lazy … Universalium
lazy Susan — noun a revolving tray placed on a dining table • Syn: ↑turntable • Hypernyms: ↑tray * * * ˌlazy ˈSusan 7 [lazy Susan] noun a round plate or ↑ … Useful english dictionary
lazy Susan — noun Date: 1917 a revolving tray used for serving food, condiments, or relishes … New Collegiate Dictionary
lazy Susan — noun A carousel for condiments, or for serving other foods, used to keep them within easy reach. Also, rotating shelves often installed in a corner kitchen cabinet to help utilize unused or inaccessible space … Wiktionary
lazy Susan — noun a revolving stand or tray on a table, used especially for holding condiments … English new terms dictionary
lazy Susan — la′zy Su′san (or su′san) or La′zy Su′san n. 1) a revolving tray for foods, condiments, etc., placed usu. at the center of a dining table 2) cvb any similar structure, as a shelf or tabletop, designed to revolve so that whatever it holds can be… … From formal English to slang
lazy Susan — /leɪzi ˈsuzən/ (say layzee soohzuhn) noun 1. a revolving tray for serving condiments or food. 2. a corner cupboard in a kitchen, etc., containing several shelves which revolve for easy access to stored goods. {US (1930s) …
lazy — (adj.) 1540s, laysy, of unknown origin. Replaced native slack, slothful, and idle as the main word expressing the notion of averse to work. In 19c. thought to be from LAY (Cf. lay) (v.) as tipsy from tip. Skeat is responsible for the prevailing… … Etymology dictionary
lazySusan — lazy Susan n. A revolving tray for condiments or food. * * * … Universalium