layer line

layer line
слоевая линия

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "layer line" в других словарях:

  • Dobie globule layer (line) — Do·bie globule, layer (line) (doґbe) [William Murray Dobie, English physician, 1828–1915] see under globule, and see Z band, under band …   Medical dictionary

  • Line moiré — is one type of moiré pattern; a pattern that appears when superposing two transparent layers containing correlated opaque patterns. Line moiré is the case when the superposed patterns comprise straight or curved lines. When moving the layer… …   Wikipedia

  • Line 6 flextone — The Line 6 Flextone was the first in a series of guitar amplifiers to package Line 6 s revolutionary POD digital modeling system in a stand alone amplifier product. Digital modeling allowed users to access guitar tones based on those of many… …   Wikipedia

  • line — line1 [līn] n. [ME merging OE, a cord, with OFr ligne (both < L linea, lit., linen thread, n. use of fem. of lineus, of flax < linum, flax)] 1. a) a cord, rope, wire, string, or the like b) a long, fine, strong cord with a hook, sinker,… …   English World dictionary

  • Layer 2 Forwarding Protocol — (L2F) (Протокол эстафетной передачи на втором уровне)  один из протоколов туннелирования, разработанный компанией Cisco Systems для создания виртуальных частных сетей связи через Интернет. L2F не обеспечивает шифрование и конфиденциальность… …   Википедия

  • line — Ⅰ. line [1] ► NOUN 1) a long, narrow mark or band. 2) a length of cord, wire, etc. serving a purpose. 3) a row or connected series of people or things. 4) a row of written or printed words. 5) a direction, course, or channel. 6) …   English terms dictionary

  • Line-of-sight propagation — refers to electro magnetic radiation including light emissions traveling in a straight line. The rays or waves are diffracted, refracted, reflected, or absorbed by atmosphere and obstructions with material and generally cannot travel over the… …   Wikipedia

  • Layer Marney Tower — is a Tudor palace, composed of buildings, gardens and parkland, dating from 1520 situated near Colchester, Essex, England.HistoryConstructed in the first half of Henry VIII’s reign, Layer Marney Tower is in many ways the apotheosis of the Tudor… …   Wikipedia

  • Line chart — A Line chart is a type of graph created by connecting a series of data points together with a line. [ Line chart] at] Overview A line chart is a basic type of chart common in many …   Wikipedia

  • Line code — An example of coding a binary signal using rectangular pulse amplitude modulation with polar non return to zero code …   Wikipedia

  • line — line1 [ laın ] noun *** ▸ 1 long thin mark ▸ 2 edge showing shape ▸ 3 border/limit ▸ 4 telephone connection ▸ 5 row of people/things ▸ 6 part of railroad system ▸ 7 transportation company ▸ 8 way of thinking/talking ▸ 9 series of words ▸ 10… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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