layer corrosion

layer corrosion
расслаивающая коррозия

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "layer corrosion" в других словарях:

  • layer corrosion — sluoksninė korozija statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Deformuoto metalo vidinių sluoksnių korozija, dėl kurios atsiskiria nepažeisti sluoksniai. atitikmenys: angl. layer corrosion rus. слоевая коррозия …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • Corrosion in space — is the corrosion of materials occurring in outer space. Instead of moisture and oxygen acting as the primary corrosion causes, the materials exposed to outer space are subjected to vacuum, bombardment by ultraviolet light and x rays, high energy… …   Wikipedia

  • Corrosion — v · d · e Materials failure modes Buckling · …   Wikipedia

  • Corrosion inhibitor — A corrosion inhibitor is a chemical compound that, when added to a liquid or gas, decreases the corrosion rate of a material, typically a metal or an alloy.[1] The effectiveness of a corrosion inhibitor depends on fluid composition, quantity of… …   Wikipedia

  • High temperature corrosion — Hot corrosion is a mechnism of high temperature corrosion , others inculde high temperature oxidation, sulfidation and carbonization. Hot corrosion by sulfates Two types of sulfate induced hot corrosion are generally distinguished : Type I takes… …   Wikipedia

  • Intergranular corrosion — (IGC), also termed intergranular attack (IGA), is a form of corrosion where the boundaries of crystallites of the material are more susceptible to corrosion than their insides. ( Cf. transgranular corrosion.)This situation can happen in otherwise …   Wikipedia

  • Erosion corrosion — is a degradation of material surface due to mechanical action, often by impinging liquid, abrasion by a slurry, particles suspended in fast flowing liquid or gas, bubbles or droplets, cavitation, etc. The mechanism can be described as follows: *… …   Wikipedia

  • Compacted oxide layer glaze — describes the often shiny, wear protective layer of oxide formed when two metals (or a metal and ceramic) are slid against each other at high temperature in an oxygen containing atmosphere. The layer forms on either or both the surfaces in… …   Wikipedia

  • Pitting corrosion — Pitting corrosion, or pitting, is a form of extremely localized corrosion that leads to the creation of small holes in the metal. The driving power for pitting corrosion is the depassivation of a small area, which becomes anodic while an unknown… …   Wikipedia

  • Flow-accelerated corrosion — (FAC), also known as flow assisted corrosion, is a corrosion mechanism in which a normally protective oxide layer on a metal surface dissolves in a fast flowing water. The underlying metal corrodes to re create the oxide, and thus the metal loss… …   Wikipedia

  • Red plague (corrosion) — Red plague is an accelerated corrosion of copper when plated with silver. After storage or use in high humidity environment, cuprous oxide forms on the surface of the parts. The corrosion is identifiable by presence of patches of brown red powder …   Wikipedia

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