lawful possession
Смотреть что такое "lawful possession" в других словарях:
lawful possession — index dominion (absolute ownership), interest (ownership) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
lawful possession — legally recognized ownership of property … English contemporary dictionary
lawful — law·ful adj 1 a: being in harmony with the law a lawful judgment a lawful purpose b: constituted, authorized, or established by law a lawful duty 2: law abiding … Law dictionary
possession — pos·ses·sion /pə ze shən/ n 1: the act, fact, or condition of having control of something: as a: actual possession in this entry b: constructive possession in … Law dictionary
possession — Having control over a thing with the intent to have and to exercise such control. Oswald v. Weigel, 219 Kan. 616, 549 P.2d 568, 569. The detention and control, or the manual or ideal custody, of anything which may be the subject of property, for… … Black's law dictionary
possession — n. 1 the act or state of possessing or being possessed. 2 the thing possessed. 3 the act or state of actual holding or occupancy. 4 Law power or control similar to lawful ownership but which may exist separately from it (prosecuted for possession … Useful english dictionary
lawful holder — One entitled to possession and in possession. For definition of term as it appears in a provision of the Carmack Amendment to the Interstate Commerce Act (49 USC § 20(11)), see Pennsylvania R. Co. v Carr, 243 US 587, 61 L Ed 914, 37 S Ct 472;… … Ballentine's law dictionary
possession — noun 1》 the state of possessing something. ↘Law visible power or control, as distinct from lawful ownership. ↘(in soccer, rugby, and other ball games) temporary control of the ball by a player or team. 2》 a thing owned or possessed.… … English new terms dictionary
lawful entry — An entry on real estate, by one out of possession, under claim or color of right and without force or fraud. An entry of premises pursuant to a search warrant. See ejection eviction process (summary process); search warrant … Black's law dictionary
lawful entry — An entry on real estate, by one out of possession, under claim or color of right and without force or fraud. An entry of premises pursuant to a search warrant. See ejection eviction process (summary process); search warrant … Black's law dictionary
mortgagee in possession — A mortgagee in possession of the property mortgaged to him. An expression adopted by courts and law writers as a convenient phrase to describe the condition of a mortgagee who is in possession of mortgaged premises under such circumstances as to… … Ballentine's law dictionary