lawful authorities
Смотреть что такое "lawful authorities" в других словарях:
lawful authorities — Those persons who have right to exercise public power, to require obedience to their lawful commands, to command or act in the public name; e.g. police … Black's law dictionary
lawful authorities — Those persons who have right to exercise public power, to require obedience to their lawful commands, to command or act in the public name; e.g. police … Black's law dictionary
authorities — I noun administration, commanders, directors, executives, government, heads, magistratus, management, officeholders, officials, persons in office, persons of commanding influence, potestates, powers that be, rulers, those holding power, those in… … Law dictionary
Lawful interception — (aka wiretapping) is the interception of telecommunications by law enforcement agencies (LEA s) and intelligence services, in accordance with local law and after following due process and receiving proper authorization from competent… … Wikipedia
lawful — lawful, legal, legitimate, licit mean permitted, sanctioned, or recognized by law or the law. Lawful differs from the others in implying a reference to various sorts of law (as divine law, natural law, or the law of the land, or as civil law,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Civil Authorities (Special Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1922 — Parliament of Northern Ireland Long title An Act to empower certain authorities of the Government of Northern Ireland to take steps for preserving the peace and maintaining order in Northern Ireland, and for purposes connected therewith … Wikipedia
Constituted authorities — Constitute Con sti*tute (k[o^]n st[ict]*t[=u]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Constituted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Constituting}.] [L. constitutus, p. p. of constiture to constitute; con + statuere to place, set, fr. status station, fr. stare to stand. See… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
notorious resistance to lawful authority — A state of affairs so unusual and extraordinary that the usually constituted civil authorities are overpowered and consequently unable and inadequate for the time being successfully to contend therewith. Straus v Imperial Fire Ins. Co. 94 Mo 182 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Masonry (Freemasonry) — Masonry (Freemasonry) † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Masonry (Freemasonry) The subject is treated under the following heads: I. Name and Definition; II. Origin and Early History; III. Fundamental Principles and Spirit; IV.… … Catholic encyclopedia
Censorship of Books — • Either ecclesiastical or civil, according as it is practiced by the spiritual or secular authority, and it may be exercised in two ways, viz.: before the printing or publishing of a work, by examining it (censura prævia); and after the printing … Catholic encyclopedia
General Councils — General Councils † Catholic Encyclopedia ► General Councils This subject will be treated under the following heads: ♦ Definition ♦ Classification ♦ Historical Sketch ♦ The Pope and General Councils ♦ Composition of … Catholic encyclopedia