law of contraposition
Смотреть что такое "law of contraposition" в других словарях:
contraposition — I noun antagonism, antithesis, confrontation, confrontment, contradiction, contradistinction, contrariety, contrast, converse, counterpart, disagreement, disparity, dissimilarity, incompatibility, obverse, odds, opposite, opposite side,… … Law dictionary
Contraposition (traditional logic) — In traditional logic, contraposition is a form of immediate inference in which from a given proposition another is inferred having for its subject the contradictory of the original predicate, and in some cases involving a change of quality… … Wikipedia
antithesis — I noun absolute difference, adverseness, antipode, balanced contrast, conflict, contentio, contradiction, contradistinction, contraposition, contrariety, contrarium, contrary, contrast, converse, counterpart, counterpole, direct opposite,… … Law dictionary
contradiction — I noun adverseness, antipathy, antithesis, assertion of the contrary, assertion of the opposite, conflict, conflicting evidence, confutation, contradistinction, contraindication, contraposition, contraries, contrariety, contrariness, contrary… … Law dictionary
disagreement — I noun altercation, argument, argumentation, challenge, conflict, conflict of interest, conflict of opinion, contention, contradiction, contraposition, contrariety, contrariness, contravention, controversy, debate, demurral, difference,… … Law dictionary
disparity — I noun argument, asymmetry, conflict of opinion, contradiction, contradistinction, contraposition, contrast, controversy, deviation, difference, disaccord, disagreement, discord, discordance, discrepancy, disequilibrium, disharmony, dissimilitude … Law dictionary
dissent — dis·sent 1 /di sent/ vi 1: to withhold assent or approval unfair squeezeout transactions the kind to which public shareholders seem most likely to dissent R. C. Clark see also appraisal ◇ A shareholder who dissents from a proposed transaction may … Law dictionary
counterpart — coun·ter·part / kau̇n tər ˌpärt/ n: one of two corresponding or duplicate copies of a legal instrument Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. counterpart … Law dictionary
confrontation — I (act of setting face to face) noun act of facing, approach, audience, colloquy, coming together, conference, consultation, dialogue, discussion, encounter, engagement, interview, meeting, parley, rencounter associated concepts: right of… … Law dictionary
incompatibility — I (difference) noun animosity, antagonism, antipathy, clash, conflict, contradictoriness, contrariety, contrast, controversy, disaccord, disagreement, discord, discordance, dislike, dispute, dissension, dissent, dissidence, disunion, disunity,… … Law dictionary
reverse — re·verse vb re·versed, re·vers·ing vt: to set aside or make void (a judgment or decision) by a contrary decision compare affirm vi: to reverse a decision or judgment for these reasons, we reverse re·ver·si·ble adj … Law dictionary