law dictionary
Смотреть что такое "law dictionary" в других словарях:
Law dictionary — A law dictionary is a dictionary that is designed and compiled to give information about terms used in the field of law.A distinction is made between different types of law dictionaries. A monolingual law dictionary covers one language, a… … Wikipedia
law — / lȯ/ n [Old English lagu, of Scandinavian origin] 1: a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority: as a: a command or provision enacted by a legislature see also statute 1 b:… … Law dictionary
law of the case — law of the case: a doctrine in legal procedure: an issue esp. of law that has been decided (as by an appeals court) will not be reconsidered in the same case unless compelling circumstances warrant such reconsideration; also: a matter of law… … Law dictionary
law of the land — 1: the established law of a nation or region 2: due process Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
law review — n often cap L&R: a periodical (as one published by a law school or bar association) containing notes and articles analyzing and evaluating subject areas and developments in the law Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. law… … Law dictionary
Law of the Sea — often cap L&S: a body of international law promulgated by United Nations convention and covering a range of ocean matters including territorial zones, access to and transit on the sea, environmental preservation, and the resolution of… … Law dictionary
Law Commission — a body established by the Law Commissions Act 1965 to examine the law with a view to its systematic development and reform, including the codification of law, the elimination of anomalies, the repeal of obsolete and unnecessary enactments, and… … Law dictionary
law of admiralty — See: maritime law Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009. law of admiralty … Law dictionary
law and motion calendar — A description of the kinds of legal matters a particular judge or courtroom will hear that day, week, or any other block of time. The law and motion calendar consists of pretrial motions (such as a motion to compel the other side in a civil case… … Law dictionary
law book — n. any of numerous volumes dealing with law, including statutes, reports of cases, digests of cases, commentaries on particular topics, encyclopedias, textbooks, summaries of the law, dictionaries, legal forms and various combinations of these … Law dictionary
Law of Property Act receiver — (LPA receiver) England, Wales A person (not necessarily an insolvency practitioner) appointed under the Law of Property Act 1925 by a lender holding a fixed charge over property to enforce the lender s security. An LPA receiver has the powers and … Law dictionary