lavatory basin
Смотреть что такое "lavatory basin" в других словарях:
Lavatory — Lav a*to*ry, n.; pl. {Lavatories}. [L. lavatorium: cf. lavatoire. See {Lave} to wash, and cf. {Laver}.] 1. A place for washing. [1913 Webster] 2. A basin or other vessel for washing in. [1913 Webster] 3. A wash or lotion for a diseased part.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lavatory — [lav′ə tôr΄ē] n. pl. lavatories [LL lavatorium < L lavare, to wash: see LAVE1] 1. Now Rare a bowl or basin, esp. one with faucets and drainage, for washing the face and hands; washbowl 2. a) a room equipped with a washbowl and flush toilet;… … English World dictionary
lavatory — noun (plural ries) Etymology: Middle English lavatorie, from Medieval Latin lavatorium, from Latin lavare to wash more at lye Date: 14th century 1. a vessel (as a basin) for washing; especially a fixed bowl or basin with running water and… … New Collegiate Dictionary
lavatory — [14] The notion of ‘washing’ was represented in prehistoric Indo European by *lou , which produced Greek loúein ‘wash’, English lather, and Latin lavāre ‘wash’. This last has been a fruitful source of English words, not all of them as obvious as… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
basin — Synonyms and related words: alkali flat, alluvial plain, alveolation, alveolus, anchorage, anchorage ground, antrum, aquamanile, armpit, automatic dishwasher, bath, bathtub, bed, berth, bidet, bottom, bottomland, bowl, breakwater, bulkhead,… … Moby Thesaurus
lavatory — /lav euh tawr ee, tohr ee/, n., pl. lavatories. 1. a room fitted with equipment for washing the hands and face and usually with flush toilet facilities. 2. a flush toilet; water closet. 3. a bowl or basin with running water for washing or bathing … Universalium
lavatory — Synonyms and related words: WC, aquamanile, automatic dishwasher, backhouse, bagnio, balneae, balneum, basement, basin, bath, bathhouse, bathroom, baths, bathtub, bidet, bog, caldarium, can, closet, comfort station, convenience, crapper, dishpan … Moby Thesaurus
lavatory — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. washroom; basin. See cleanness. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. washroom, bathroom, privy; see bath 3 , toilet 2 . III (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) n. washroom, toilet, rest room. see bathroom … English dictionary for students
lavatory — wash basin for washing bodies of newly dead; room where lavabo kept Ecclesiastical Terms … Phrontistery dictionary
lavatory — lav·a·to·ry || lævÉ™tÉ”rɪ / trɪ n. bathroom, washroom, room with a sink and toilet; toilet; wash basin, sink … English contemporary dictionary
lavatory — lav•a•to•ry [[t]ˈlæv əˌtɔr i, ˌtoʊr i[/t]] n. pl. ries 1) a room fitted with equipment for washing the hands and face and usu. with flush toilet facilities 2) a flush toilet; water closet 3) a bowl or basin with running water for washing or… … From formal English to slang