laundry soap
Смотреть что такое "laundry soap" в других словарях:
laundry soap — skalbimo muilas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Muilas, kuriame nėra į tualetinį muilą dedamų specifinių priedų. atitikmenys: angl. common soap; domestic detergent; hausehold soap; laundry soap rus. хозяйственное мыло … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
laundry soap — noun : soap (as rosin soap) for the laundry … Useful english dictionary
laundry soap — detergent used to wash clothing … English contemporary dictionary
soap and detergent — ▪ chemical compound Introduction substances that, when dissolved in water, possess the ability to remove dirt (detergent) from surfaces such as the human skin, textiles, and other solids. The seemingly simple process of cleaning a soiled… … Universalium
soap — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. cleanser, cleansing agent; lather; detergent; shampoo; slang, softsoap, corniness, sentimentality. See cleanness, sensibility. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. saponin, solvent, softener, soapsuds, detergent;… … English dictionary for students
soap — Kopa. ♦ Powdered soap, kopa pauka. ♦ Laundry soap, kopa holoi. ♦ Bath soap, kopa au au. ♦ Perfumed soap, kopa ala. ♦ Liquid soap, wai ho oma ema e. ♦ Soap bubble, hu a kopa … English-Hawaiian dictionary
Laundry detergent — Laundry powder Laundry detergent, or washing powder, is a substance that is a type of detergent (cleaning agent) that is added for cleaning laundry. In common usage, detergent refers to mixtures of chemical compounds including… … Wikipedia
Laundry — is hung to dry above an Italian street. Laundry hanging out of flats for d … Wikipedia
laundry detergent — laundry de,tergent noun count or uncount AMERICAN soap, usually in the form of a powder or liquid, used for cleaning clothes. British usually washing powder, washing liquid, or detergent … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
soap powder — soap ,powder noun count or uncount LAUNDRY DETERGENT … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
soap — n. 1) face; laundry; liquid; powdered; saddle; scented; toilet soap 2) a bar, cake of soap * * * [səʊp] cake of soap . laundry liquid powdered saddle scented toilet soap a bar … Combinatory dictionary