
ˈlɑ:fɪŋ прил.
1) смеющийся, улыбающийся;
веселый Syn : gay, merry
2) забавный, смешной it is no (или not a) laughing matterэто не шутка;
смеяться нечему Syn : laughable, ludicrous смех - too much * and talking слишком много смеха и болтовни - I was in no mood for * мне было не до смеху - I couldn't speak for * от смеха я не мог произнести ни слова смеющийся, улыбающийся;
веселый - * face /countenance/ веселое улыбающееся лицо смешной, забавный - * matter повод для смеха - this is no * это дело не шуточное /серьезное/;
тут не до смеха ~ смешной;
it is no (или not a) laughing matter это не шутка;
смеяться нечему laughing pres. p. от laugh ~ смешной;
it is no (или not a) laughing matter это не шутка;
смеяться нечему ~ смеющийся, улыбающийся;

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "laughing" в других словарях:

  • Laughing — Laugh ing, a. & n. from {Laugh}, v. i. [1913 Webster] {Laughing falcon} (Zo[ o]l.), a South American hawk ({Herpetotheres cachinnans}); so called from its notes, which resemble a shrill laugh. {Laughing gas} (Chem.), hyponitrous oxide, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • laughing — (n.) mid 14c., verbal noun from LAUGH (Cf. laugh) (v.). Laughing matter (usually with negative) is from 1560s. Nitrous oxide has been called laughing gas since 1842 (for its exhilarating effects). Davy, experimenting with the gas, discovered… …   Etymology dictionary

  • laughing — [laf′iŋ] adj. 1. that laughs or appears to laugh [a laughing brook] 2. uttered with laughter [a laughing remark] n. laughter laughingly adv …   English World dictionary

  • laughing — index jocular Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • laughing — n. & adj. n. laughter. adj. in senses of LAUGH v. Phrases and idioms: laughing gas nitrous oxide as an anaesthetic, formerly used without oxygen and causing an exhilarating effect when inhaled. laughing hyena see HYENA. laughing jackass =… …   Useful english dictionary

  • laughing — laughingly, adv. /laf ing, lah fing/, adj. 1. that laughs or is given to laughter: a laughing child. 2. uttering sounds like human laughter, as some birds. 3. suggesting laughter by brightness, color, sound, etc.: a laughing stream; laughing… …   Universalium

  • Laughing EP — Infobox Album Name = Laughing Type = EP Artist = Anne McCue Background = orange Released = 1996 Recorded = Genre = alternative country Length = Label = Producer = Laurence Maddy and Anne McCue Reviews = Last album = This album = Next album =… …   Wikipedia

  • laughing — /ˈlafɪŋ/ (say lahfing) noun 1. laughter. –adjective 2. that laughs; giving vent to laughter, as persons. –phrase 3. be laughing, Colloquial to be in an extremely advantageous situation: if I won the contract I d be laughing. 4. no laughing matter …  

  • Laughing — Laugh Laugh (l[aum]f), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Laughed} (l[aum]ft); p. pr. & vb. n. {Laughing}.] [OE. laughen, laghen, lauhen, AS. hlehhan, hlihhan, hlyhhan, hliehhan; akin to OS. hlahan, D. & G. lachen, OHG. hlahhan, lahhan, lahh[=e]n, Icel.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • laughing — adj. Laughing is used with these nouns: ↑fit, ↑gas …   Collocations dictionary

  • Laughing — being in a favourable or fortunate position: One more result like that and you ll be laughing …   Dictionary of Australian slang

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