laugh like a drain
Смотреть что такое "laugh like a drain" в других словарях:
laugh like a drain — ► laugh like a drain Brit. informal laugh raucously. Main Entry: ↑drain … English terms dictionary
laugh like a drain — Brit., informal laugh raucously * * * laugh like a ˈdrain f9 idiom (BrE) to laugh very loudly Main entry: ↑laughidiom … Useful english dictionary
laugh like a drain Brit. — laugh like a drain Brit. informal laugh raucously. → drain … English new terms dictionary
laugh like a drain — British & Australian to laugh very loudly. I told her what had happened and she laughed like a drain … New idioms dictionary
laugh like a drain — Laugh heartily … A concise dictionary of English slang
laugh like a drain — Meaning To laugh coarsely or loudly. Origin Like water going down a drain … Meaning and origin of phrases
laugh like a drain — verb To laugh with a loud, coarse sound … Wiktionary
drain — ► VERB 1) cause the liquid in (something) to run out. 2) (of liquid) run off or out. 3) become dry as liquid runs off. 4) deprive of strength or resources. 5) drink the entire contents of. ► NOUN 1) a channel or pipe carrying off … English terms dictionary
laugh — /laf / (say lahf) verb (i) 1. to express mirth, amusement, derision, etc., by an explosive, inarticulate sound of the voice, facial expressions, etc. 2. to experience the emotion so expressed. 3. to utter a cry or sound resembling the laughing of …
drain — verb 1》 cause the liquid in (something) to run out, leaving it empty or dry. ↘(of liquid) run off or out. ↘(of a river) carry off the superfluous water from (an area). ↘become dry as liquid runs off. ↘drink the entire contents of … English new terms dictionary
drain — /dreɪn / (say drayn) verb (t) 1. to draw off gradually, as a liquid; remove by degrees, as by filtration. 2. to draw off or take away completely. 3. to withdraw liquid gradually from; make empty or dry by drawing off liquid. 4. to deprive of… …