lattice scattering

lattice scattering
рассеяние на (кристаллической) решетке

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "lattice scattering" в других словарях:

  • lattice scattering — gardelinė sklaida statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. lattice scattering vok. Gitterstreuung, f rus. рассеяние на кристаллической решетке, n; решёточное рассеяние, n pranc. diffusion dans le réseau, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Lattice model (physics) — For other meanings, see lattice model (disambiguation) In physics, a lattice model is a physical model that is defined on a lattice, as opposed to the continuum of space or spacetime. Lattice models originally occurred in the context of condensed …   Wikipedia

  • Reciprocal lattice — In physics, the reciprocal lattice of a lattice (usually a Bravais lattice) is the lattice in which the Fourier transform of the spatial function of the original lattice (or direct lattice) is represented. This space is also known as momentum… …   Wikipedia

  • Helium atom scattering — (HAS) is a surface analysis technique used in materials science. HAS provides information about the surface structure and lattice dynamics of a material by measuring the diffracted atoms from a monochromatic helium beam incident on the sample.… …   Wikipedia

  • Umklapp scattering — [ Figure 2.: k vectors exceeding the first Brillouin zone (red) do not carry more information than their counterparts (black) in the first Brillouin zone.] Umklapp scattering (also U process or Umklapp process) is an anharmonic phonon phonon (or… …   Wikipedia

  • Brillouin scattering — Brillouin scattering, named after Léon Brillouin, occurs when light in a medium (such as air, water or a crystal) interacts with time dependent optical density variations and changes its energy (frequency) and path. The density variations may be… …   Wikipedia

  • Low-energy ion scattering — LEIS redirects here; for the Hawaiian garland see Lei (Hawaii). Low energy ion scattering spectroscopy (LEIS), sometimes referred to simply as ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS), is a surface sensitive analytical technique used to characterize the …   Wikipedia

  • Carrier scattering — Defect types include atom vacancies, adatoms, steps, and kinks which occur most frequently at surfaces due to finite material size causing crystal discontinuity. What all types of defects have in common, whether they be surface or bulk, is that… …   Wikipedia

  • X-ray scattering techniques — are a family of non destructive analytical techniques which reveal information about the crystallographic structure, chemical composition, and physical properties of materials and thin films. These techniques are based on observing the scattered… …   Wikipedia

  • Inverse scattering transform — In mathematics, the inverse scattering transform is a method for solving some non linear partial differential equations. It is one of the most important developments in mathematical physics in the past 40 years. The method is a non linear… …   Wikipedia

  • Bragg scattering — Physics. the diffraction phenomenon exhibited by a crystal bombarded with x rays in such a way that each plane of the crystal lattice acts as a reflector (Bragg reflector). Also called Bragg reflection. [see BRAGG S LAW] * * * …   Universalium

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