lattice of topologies

lattice of topologies
мат. решетка топологий

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "lattice of topologies" в других словарях:

  • Comparison of topologies — In topology and related areas of mathematics comparison of topologies refers to the fact that two topological structures on a given set may stand in relation to each other. The set of all possible topologies on a given set forms a partially… …   Wikipedia

  • Complete lattice — In mathematics, a complete lattice is a partially ordered set in which all subsets have both a supremum (join) and an infimum (meet). Complete lattices appear in many applications in mathematics and computer science. Being a special instance of… …   Wikipedia

  • Initial topology — In general topology and related areas of mathematics, the initial topology (projective topology or weak topology) on a set X, with respect to a family of functions on X, is the coarsest topology on X which makes those functions continuous.The… …   Wikipedia

  • Final topology — In general topology and related areas of mathematics, the final topology (inductive topology or strong topology) on a set X, with respect to a family of functions into X, is the finest topology on X which makes those functions continuous.… …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic filter topology — An elementary filter topology introduces a capacitor into the feedback path of an op amp to achieve an unbalanced active implementation of a low pass transfer function Electronic filter topology defines electronic filter circuits without taking… …   Wikipedia

  • Topology (electronics) — The topology of an electronic circuit is the form taken by the network of interconnections of the circuit components. Different specific values or ratings of the components are regarded as being the same topology.Strictly speaking, replacing a… …   Wikipedia

  • Outline of algebraic structures — In universal algebra, a branch of pure mathematics, an algebraic structure is a variety or quasivariety. Abstract algebra is primarily the study of algebraic structures and their properties. Some axiomatic formal systems that are neither… …   Wikipedia

  • Density of states — Condensed matter physics Phases · Phase tr …   Wikipedia

  • Finite topological space — In mathematics, a finite topological space is a topological space for which the underlying point set is finite. That is, it is a topological space for which there are only finitely many points.While topology is mostly interesting only for… …   Wikipedia

  • Topological space — Topological spaces are mathematical structures that allow the formal definition of concepts such as convergence, connectedness, and continuity. They appear in virtually every branch of modern mathematics and are a central unifying notion. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Order theory — For a topical guide to this subject, see Outline of order theory. Order theory is a branch of mathematics which investigates our intuitive notion of order using binary relations. It provides a formal framework for describing statements such as… …   Wikipedia

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