lathe work

lathe work
токарная работа

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "lathe work" в других словарях:

  • Lathe center — Dead center mounted in the spindle of a lathe and being used to support a workpiece being driven by a carrier setup A lathe center, often shortened to center, is a tool that has been ground to a point as to accurately position a workpiece about… …   Wikipedia

  • Lathe — A lathe (pronEng|ˈleɪð) is a machine tool which spins a block of material to perform various operations such as cutting, sanding, knurling, drilling, or deformation with tools that are applied to the workpiece to create an object which has… …   Wikipedia

  • Lathe (metal) — Center lathe with DRO and chuck guard. Size is 460 mm swing x 1000 mm between centers A metal lathe or metalworking lathe is a large class of lathes designed for precisely machining relatively hard materials. They were originally designed to… …   Wikipedia

  • Lathe faceplate — A lathe faceplate is the basic workholding accessory for a wood or metal turning lathe. It is a circular metal (usually cast iron) plate which fixes to the end of the lathe spindle. The workpiece is then clamped to the faceplate, typically using… …   Wikipedia

  • work, history of the organization of — Introduction       history of the methods by which society structures the activities and labour necessary to its survival. work is essential in providing the basic physical needs of food, clothing, and shelter. But work involves more than the use …   Universalium

  • lathe — /laydh/, n., v., lathed, lathing. n. 1. a machine for use in working wood, metal, etc., that holds the material and rotates it about a horizontal axis against a tool that shapes it. v.t. 2. to cut, shape, or otherwise treat on a lathe. [1300 50;… …   Universalium

  • work — /werrk/, n., adj., v., worked or (Archaic except for 35, 37, 40) wrought; working. n. 1. exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil. 2. something on which exertion or labor is expended; a task or undertaking: The… …   Universalium

  • Work — /werrk/, n. Henry Clay, 1832 84, U.S. songwriter. * * * I In economics and sociology, the activities and labour necessary for the survival of society. As early as 40,000 BC, hunters worked in groups to track and kill animals, while younger or… …   Universalium

  • Lathe — This interesting and unusual surname, popular in northern England and Scottish, is of Old Norse origin, and is locational from the former lands of Laithis in Ayrshire, or from Laithes, a hamlet north west of Penrith, in Cumberland. Both places… …   Surnames reference

  • lathe — I. noun Etymology: probably from Middle English lath supporting stand Date: 1611 a machine in which work is rotated about a horizontal axis and shaped by a fixed tool II. transitive verb (lathed; lathing) Date: circa 1903 to cut or shape with a… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • The Lathe of Heaven (film) — Infobox Film name = The Lathe of Heaven image size = caption = Cover of the 2000 video/DVD release of The Lathe of Heaven (1980) director = David Loxton and Fred Barzyk producer = David Loxton, Carol Brandenburg, Fred Barzyk writer = Diane… …   Wikipedia

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