
1. сущ. планка, рейка;
обшивка lath fenceтын, плетень legs of lath ≈ ноги тонкие, как палки Syn : slat, shingle
2. гл. прибивать рейки, планки узкая дощечка, планка, рейка, дранка - * house (сельскохозяйственное) драночный домик, холодный рассадник обшивка решетка;
обрешетка (крыши) > (as) thin as a * худой как щепка > * painted to look like iron подумаешь герой;
молодец против овец (о робком человеке, который пыжится) прибивать планки, рейки токарный станок - * work токарная работа - * operator токарь lath стр. attr.: lath fence тын, плетень ~ стр. планка;
рейка ~ прибивать рейки, планки lath стр. attr.: lath fence тын, плетень

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "lath" в других словарях:

  • lath — lath; lath·er·er; lath·ery; lath·ing; lath·raea; lath·ri·di·idae; lath·y·rism; lath·y·rus; lath·y·rit·ic; lath·y·ro·gen; coun·ter·lath; lath·er; lath·y·ro·gen·ic; …   English syllables

  • lath´er|er — lath|er 1 «laTH uhr», noun, verb. –noun. 1. foam made from soap and water. SYNONYM(S): suds. 2. foam formed in sweating: »the lather of a horse after a race. SYNONYM(S): froth. 3. Slang, Figurative. a state of great agitation or excitement: »He… …   Useful english dictionary

  • lath|er — 1 «laTH uhr», noun, verb. –noun. 1. foam made from soap and water. SYNONYM(S): suds. 2. foam formed in sweating: »the lather of a horse after a race. SYNONYM(S): froth. 3. Slang, Figurative. a state of great agitation or excitement: »He worked… …   Useful english dictionary

  • lath|y — «LATH ee, LAHTH », adjective, lath|i|er, lath|i|est. long and slender, like a lath: »a lathy young man …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lath — Lath, n.; pl. {Laths}. [OE. laththe, latthe, latte, AS. l[ae]tta; akin to D. lat, G. latte, OHG. latta; cf. W. llath a rod, staff, yard. Cf. {Lattice}, {Latten}.] A thin, narrow strip of wood, nailed to the rafters, studs, or floor beams of a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lath — (n.) late 13c., probably from O.E. *læððe, variant of lætt lath, apparently from a P.Gmc. *laþþo (Cf. O.S., O.N. latta, M.Du., Ger. latte lath, Du. lat, M.H.G. lade plank, which is source of Ger. Laden counter, hence, shop ). As a verb, 1530s,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • lath — [lath, läth] n. pl. laths [lathz, laths, läthz, läths] [ME lathe (< OE * læthth, akin to OHG latta) & latte (< OE lætt, akin to ON latto)] 1. any of the thin, narrow strips of wood used in lattices or nailed to two by fours, rafters, etc.… …   English World dictionary

  • Lath — Lath, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Lathed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Lathing}.] To cover or line with laths. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lath — lath, lathe A lath, pronounced lahth, is a flat strip of wood. The plural is laths, pronounced lahths or occasionally lahdhz. A lathe, pronounced laydh, is a machine for shaping wood or metal, and has the plural form lathes, pronounced laydhz …   Modern English usage

  • lath|er|y — «laTH uhr ee», adjective. consisting of or covered with lather …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lath — (spr. Läsh), in England eine Grafschaftsabtheilung, Grafschaftsbezirk …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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