lateral face

lateral face
боковая грань

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "lateral face" в других словарях:

  • latéral — latéral, ale, aux [ lateral, o ] adj. et n. f. • 1315, rare jusqu au XVIIe; lat. lateralis, de latus « côté » ♦ Qui appartient au côté, qui est situé sur le côté de qqch. La partie latérale du corps. ⇒ flanc. Dans une rue latérale. Chapelle, nef… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Lateral pass — In American football, a lateral pass or lateral, officially backward pass (onside pass in Canadian football), occurs when the ball carrier throws the football to any teammate behind him or directly next to him (i.e. on or behind a line running… …   Wikipedia

  • Lateral medullary syndrome — Infobox Disease Name = PAGENAME Caption = The three major arteries of the cerebellum: the SCA, AICA, and PICA. (Posterior inferior cerebellar artery is PICA.) DiseasesDB = 10449 ICD10 = ICD10|G|46|3|g|40 ICD9 = ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus =… …   Wikipedia

  • Lateral inhibition — In neurobiology, lateral inhibition is the capacity of an excited neuron to reduce the activity of its neighbors. ensory inhibitionGeorg von Békésy, in his book Sensory Inhibition , [cite book | title = Sensory Inhibition | author = Georg Von… …   Wikipedia

  • Lateral coital position — confusing|date=August 2007The lateral coital position is a sex position described by Masters and Johnson in their Human Sexual Response . The position was preferred by 75% of their heterosexual respondents once they had tried it.Initial adviceThe …   Wikipedia

  • Face-off — For the 1997 film, see Face/Off. For other uses, see Face Off …   Wikipedia

  • Lateral cervical lymph nodes — Infobox Lymph Name = Lateral cervical lymph nodes Latin = GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = Deep Lymph Nodes 1. Submental 2. Submandibular (Submaxillary) Anterior Cervical Lymph Nodes (Deep) 3. Prelaryngeal 4. Thyroid 5. Pretracheal 6.… …   Wikipedia

  • Lateral nasal branch of facial artery — Infobox Artery Name = PAGENAME Latin = ramus lateralis nasi arteriae facialis GraySubject = 144 GrayPage = 556 Caption = The arteries of the face and scalp. (Lateral nasal labeled at center right.) Caption2 = BranchFrom = facial artery BranchTo …   Wikipedia

  • Lateral surface — In geometry, the lateral surface of a solid is the face or surface of the solid on its sides. That is, any face or surface that is not a base.ources* surface.htm …   Wikipedia

  • face-bow — A caliper like device used to record the relationship of the jaws to the temporomandibular joints; the record may then be used to orient a cast or model of the maxilla to the opening and closing axis of the articulator. SYN …   Medical dictionary

  • Lateral nasal prominence — Infobox Embryology Name = PAGENAME Latin = GraySubject = 13 GrayPage = 67 Caption = Diagram showing the regions of the adult face and neck related to the fronto nasal process and the branchial arches. Caption2 = System = CarnegieStage = Precursor …   Wikipedia

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