lateral earth pressure

lateral earth pressure
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "lateral earth pressure" в других словарях:

  • Lateral earth pressure — is the pressure that soil exerts in the horizontal plane. The common applications of lateral earth pressure theory are for the design of ground engineering structures such as retaining walls, basements, tunnels, and to determine the friction on… …   Wikipedia

  • Presión lateral del suelo — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un ejemplo de los principios de presión horizontal: un muro de contención de tierras Presión lateral del suelo es la presión que el suelo ejerce en el plano horizontal. Las aplicaciones más comunes …   Wikipedia Español

  • Overburden pressure — Overburden pressure, also called lithostatic pressure or vertical stress, is the pressure or stress imposed on a layer of soil or rock by the weight of overlying material. The overburden pressure at a depth z is given by where ρ(z) is the density …   Wikipedia

  • Mechanically stabilized earth — A diagram of a mechanically stabilized earth wall as it would be modeled in a finite element analysis. Mechanically stabilized earth or MSE is soil constructed with artificial reinforcing. It can be used for retaining walls, bridge abutments,… …   Wikipedia

  • earth — /errth/, n. 1. (often cap.) the planet third in order from the sun, having an equatorial diameter of 7926 mi. (12,755 km) and a polar diameter of 7900 mi. (12,714 km), a mean distance from the sun of 92.9 million mi. (149.6 million km), and a… …   Universalium

  • Earth Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Geology and Geochemistry       The theme of the 33rd International Geological Congress, which was held in Norway in August 2008, was “Earth System Science: Foundation for Sustainable Development.” It was attended by nearly… …   Universalium

  • Pressure — This article is about pressure in the physical sciences. For other uses, see Pressure (disambiguation). Pressure as exerted by particle collisions inside a closed container …   Wikipedia

  • Earth exploration — Introduction   the investigation of the surface of the Earth and of its interior.  By the beginning of the 20th century most of the Earth s surface had been explored, at least superficially, except for the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Today the… …   Universalium

  • lateral line system — ▪ biology also called  lateralis system   a system of tactile sense organs (senses), unique to aquatic vertebrates (vertebrate) from cyclostome fishes (cyclostome) (lampreys (lamprey) and hagfish) to amphibians (amphibian), that serves to detect… …   Universalium

  • high-pressure phenomena — ▪ physics Introduction       changes in physical, chemical, and structural characteristics that matter undergoes when subjected to high pressure. pressure thus serves as a versatile tool in materials research, and it is especially important in… …   Universalium

  • Expanding Earth theory — The Expanding Earth theory is an attempt to explain the position and movement of continents (continental drift) on the surface of the Earth. The expanded earth theory (and plate tectonics) incorporates the appearance of new crustal material at… …   Wikipedia

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