latch lock

latch lock
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "latch lock" в других словарях:

  • drawback latch/lock —   n.    a latch/lock whose latch is disengaged by pushing or pulling an actuator toward the hinge side of the jamb …   Locksmith dictionary

  • latch — lætʃ n. device which fastens a door or gate; lock; fastener; digital logic circuit used to store one or more bits (Electronics), anti concurrent block (Computers) v. shut by means of a latch; lock, bolt; fasten …   English contemporary dictionary

  • lock — Synonyms and related words: aboideau, accord, agree, air lock, answer to, articulate, assent, assort with, authority, bang, bar, barricade, barrier, batten, batten down, be consistent, be of one, be uniform with, bear hug, bind, block, block up,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • lock up — Synonyms and related words: bang, bar, barricade, batten, batten down, bolt, bolt in, bosom, bottle up, bury, button, button up, cache, cast in prison, choke, choke off, clap, clap in jail, clap up, close, close up, constrict, contain, contract,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • latch — [n] lock bar, bolt, catch, clamp, fastening, hasp, hook, padlock; concepts 445,499 Ant. key latch [v] fasten with lock bar, bolt, cinch, close, close up, lock, make fast, secure; concept 85 Ant. loose, loosen, unfasten, unlatch, unlock …   New thesaurus

  • latch — ► NOUN 1) a bar with a catch and lever used for fastening a door or gate. 2) a spring lock for an outer door, which catches when the door is closed and can only be opened from the outside with a key. ► VERB 1) fasten with a latch. 2) (latch on)… …   English terms dictionary

  • latch — [lach] n. [ME lacche < lacchen, to seize, catch hold of < OE læccan < IE base * (s)lagw , to grasp, seize > Gr lazesthai, to take, lambanein, to seize] 1. a fastening for a door or gate, esp. one capable of being worked from either… …   English World dictionary

  • lock — [n] device that fastens and bars free passage bar, bolt, bond, catch, clamp, clasp, clinch, connection, fastening, fixture, grapple, grip, hasp, hook, junction, latch, link, padlock; concept 499 Ant. key lock [v] fasten, clasp bar, bolt, button,… …   New thesaurus

  • latch|key — «LACH KEE», noun. a key used to draw back or unfasten the latch or other lock on a door …   Useful english dictionary

  • lock|et — «LOK iht», noun. a small, ornamental case of gold or silver, for holding a picture of someone or a lock of hair. It is usually worn around the neck on a chain. A locket often has a hinged cover. ╂[< Old French locquet latch (diminutive) <… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Latch (hardware) — Window latch Door latch A latch (called sneck in Nor …   Wikipedia

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