last word

last word

1) последний крик моды
2) последнее слово (в какой-л. области) (in, on smth.) последнее слово (в споре) решающее слово (руководителя и т. п.) исчерпывающая разработка;
авторитетное мнение - his study will surely be the * on the subject for many years еще многие годы его монография будет оставаться последним словом в данной области (часто in) продукт на самом современном уровне;
последнее слово (техники и т. п.) - this is the * in cars эта модель - последнее слово автомобилестроения - her hat is the * ее шляпка - последний крик моды

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "last word" в других словарях:

  • last word — last′ word′ n. 1) the closing remark or comment, as in an argument 2) a final or definitive work, statement, etc.: This book is the last word on the topic[/ex] 3) the latest, most modern thing …   From formal English to slang

  • last word — ► NOUN 1) a final or definitive pronouncement. 2) the most modern or advanced example of something: the last word in luxury …   English terms dictionary

  • last word — n. 1. a) the final word or speech, regarded as settling the argument b) final authority 2. something regarded as perfect or definitive 3. Informal the very latest style …   English World dictionary

  • last word — /last ˈwɜd/ (say lahst werd) noun 1. ultimate authority: *Father would not hear of it and already it was he who had the last word on family affairs. –mary durack, 1959. 2. (plural) the final words of a dying person …  

  • last word — {n.} 1. The last remark in an argument. * /I never win an argument with her. She always has the last word./ 2. The final say in deciding something. * /The superintendent has the last word in ordering new desks./ 3. {informal} The most modern… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • last word — {n.} 1. The last remark in an argument. * /I never win an argument with her. She always has the last word./ 2. The final say in deciding something. * /The superintendent has the last word in ordering new desks./ 3. {informal} The most modern… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • last word — n. to get in, have the last word (she had the last word in the argument) * * * [ˌlɑːst wɜːd] have the last word (she had the last word in the argument) to get in …   Combinatory dictionary

  • last\ word — noun 1. the last remark in an argument. I never win an argument with her. She always has the last word. 2. the final say in deciding something. The superintendent has the last word in ordering new desks. 3. informal the most modern thing. Mrs.… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Last Word — Infobox Radio Show show name = Last Word imagesize = caption = other names = format = Factual runtime = 28 mins country = United Kingdom language = English home station = BBC Radio 4 syndicates = television = presenter = starring = announcer =… …   Wikipedia

  • last word — 1. the closing remark or comment, as in an argument: By the rules of debate she would have the last word. 2. a final or definitive work, statement, etc.: This report is the last word on the treatment of arthritis. 3. the latest, most modern thing …   Universalium

  • last word — 1) that s my last word Syn: final decision, definitive statement, conclusive comment 2) she was determined to have the last word Syn: concluding remark, final say, closing statement 3) the last word in luxury and efficiency Syn …   Thesaurus of popular words

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