- last quotation
- последняя (окончательная) котировка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Quotation mark, non-English usage — Quotation marks, also called quotes, speech marks or inverted commas, are punctuation marks used in pairs to set off speech, a quotation, or a phrase. The pair consists of an opening quotation mark and a closing quotation mark, which may or may… … Wikipedia
Last Exit to Brooklyn — infobox Book name = Last Exit to Brooklyn title orig = translator = author = Hubert Selby, Jr. cover artist = country = United States language = English series = genre = Transgressional fiction, Satire publisher = Grove Press release date = 1964… … Wikipedia
Non-English usage of quotation marks — A Non English usage of quotation marks Punctuation apostrophe ( … Wikipedia
Quasi-quotation — is a linguistic device that facilitates rigorous and terse formulation of general rules about linguistic expressions while properly observing the use mention distinction. It was introduced in by the philosopher and logician Willard van Orman… … Wikipedia
Schubert's last sonatas — The three piano sonatas numbered 958 through 960 in Deutsch s catalogue of Franz Schubert s complete works, are the composer s last major compositions for the piano, often referred to in short simply as Schubert s last sonatas. They were written… … Wikipedia
The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks — is a weblog about the misuse of English quotation marks. The main author, Bethany Keeley, carries a camera phone around her town, taking photographs of signs, notes and advertisements that misuse quotation marks, usually intended as emphasis. The … Wikipedia
The Last of the Masters — Infobox short story | name = The Last of the Masters author = Philip K. Dick country = flag|USA language = English series = genre =Political Post apocalyptic Social science published in = Orbit Science Fiction No.5 publication type = Anthology… … Wikipedia
The last chance — Chance Chance (ch[.a]ns), n. [F. chance, OF. cheance, fr. LL. cadentia a allusion to the falling of the dice), fr. L. cadere to fall; akin to Skr. [,c]ad to fall, L. cedere to yield, E. cede. Cf. {Cadence}.] 1. A supposed material or psychical… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
The Last and the First — is Ivy Compton Burnett s posthumous novel, published in 1971, two years after her death. The work, complete if possibly awaiting revision, was untitled when it was discovered, and was so named as appropriate for her last novel, and also because… … Wikipedia
Dilthey, Wilhelm — Dilthey Michael Lessnoff INTRODUCTION Wilhelm Dilthey was born in 1833 near Wiesbaden, and thus lived through the period of Bismarck’s creation of a unified German Empire by ‘blood and iron’. These turbulent events, however, scarcely perturbed… … History of philosophy
Vico, Giambattista — Giambattista Vico Antonio Pérez Ramos Faire, c’est se faire. S.Mallarmé Giambattista Vico’s (1688–1744) contribution to the history of western thought is both difficult to identify and still harder to evaluate. So much so that the overall… … History of philosophy