laser-driven fusion

laser-driven fusion
физ. синтез лазерный, синтез термоядерный лазерный лазерный термоядерный синтез

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "laser-driven fusion" в других словарях:

  • Fusion power — The Sun is a natural fusion reactor. Fusion power is the power generated by nuclear fusion processes. In fusion reactions two light atomic nuclei fuse together to form a heavier nucleus (in contrast with fission power). In doing so they release a …   Wikipedia

  • Láser ultra intenso — Figura 1: Evolución temporal de la intensidad del láser[1] Aunque especificar una división puede ser bastante arbitrario, se puede considerar como láser ultra intenso a aquel con el que se pueden conseguir intensidades superiores a los 1015 W cm… …   Wikipedia Español

  • fusion reactor — Physics. a reactor for producing atomic energy by nuclear fusion. Cf. reactor (def. 4). * * * Introduction also called  fusion power plant  or  thermonuclear reactor   a device to produce electrical power from the energy released in a nuclear… …   Universalium

  • Laser diode — Top: a packaged laser diode shown with a penny for scale. Bottom: the laser diode chip is removed from the above package and placed on the eye of a needle for scale …   Wikipedia

  • Fusion rocket — A fusion rocket is a theoretical design for a rocket driven by fusion power which could provide efficient and long term acceleration in space without the need to carry a large fuel supply. The design relies on the development of fusion power… …   Wikipedia

  • Inertial confinement fusion — (ICF) is a process where nuclear fusion reactions are initiated by heating and compressing a fuel target, typically in the form of a pellet that most often contains a mixture of deuterium and tritium.To compress and heat the fuel, energy is… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear fusion — Nuclear physics Radioactive decay Nuclear fission Nuclear fusion Classical dec …   Wikipedia

  • Nova laser — Nova was a high power laser built at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in 1984 which conducted advanced inertial confinement fusion (ICF) experiments until its dismantling in 1999. Nova was the first ICF experiment built with the… …   Wikipedia

  • Nova (laser) — View down Nova s laser bay between two banks of beamlines. The blue boxes contain the amplifiers and their flashtube pumps , the tubes between the banks of amplifiers are the spatial filters. Nova was a high power laser built at the Lawrence… …   Wikipedia

  • Shiva laser — The Shiva laser was a powerful 20 beam infrared neodymium glass (silica glass) laser built at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in 1977 for the study of inertial confinement fusion (ICF) and long scale length laser plasma interactions. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear fusion-fission hybrid — Hybrid nuclear fusion fission (hybrid nuclear power) is a proposed means of generating power by use of a combination of nuclear fusion and fission processes. The concept dates to the 1950s, and was briefly advocated by Hans Bethe during the 1970s …   Wikipedia

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