laser output power

laser output power
мощность лазерного излучения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "laser output power" в других словарях:

  • laser output power — lazerio išėjimo galia statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. laser output power vok. Laserausgangsleistung, f rus. выходная мощность лазера, f pranc. puissance de sortie de laser, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • laser output power stabilization — lazerio išėjimo spinduliuotės galios stabilizavimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. laser output power stabilization vok. Stabilisierung der Ausgangsleistung eines Laser, f rus. стабилизация мощности выходного излучения… …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • laser output average power — vidutinė lazerio išėjimo galia statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. laser output average power vok. Lasermittelwertleistung, f rus. средняя выходная мощность излучения лазера, f pranc. puissance moyenne de sortie de laser, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Power scaling — of a laser is increasing its output power without changing the geometry, shape, or principle of operation. Power scalability is considered an important advantage in a laser design.Usually, power scaling requires a more powerful pump source,… …   Wikipedia

  • Laser cutting — process on a sheet of steel. CAD (top) and stainless steel laser cut part (bottom) Laser cutting is a technology that uses a laser to cut materials, an …   Wikipedia

  • Laser tag — is a team or individual sport where players attempt to score points by engaging targets, typically with a hand held infrared emitting targeting device. Infrared sensitive targets are commonly worn by each player and are sometimes integrated… …   Wikipedia

  • Laser — For other uses, see Laser (disambiguation). United States Air Force laser experiment …   Wikipedia

  • Laser pointer — A laser pointer is a portable, pen sized laser designed to be held in the hand, and most commonly used to project a point of light to highlight items of interest during a presentation. Most laser pointers have low enough power that the projected… …   Wikipedia

  • Laser safety — A typical laser warning symbol. Laser safety is safe design, use and implementation of lasers to minimize the risk of laser accidents, especially those involving eye injuries. Since even relatively small amounts of laser light can lead to… …   Wikipedia

  • Laser beam profiler — A laser beam profiler captures, displays, and records the spatial intensity profile of a laser beam at a particular plane transverse to the beam propagation path. Since there are many types of lasers ultraviolet, visible, infrared, continuous… …   Wikipedia

  • Output coupler — Principal components of a laser: 1. Active laser medium 2. Laser pumping energy 3. High reflector 4. Output coupler 5. Laser beam An output coupler (OC) is a partially reflective mirror used in lasers to extract a portion of the laser beam from… …   Wikipedia

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