Largess — Lar gess, Largesse Lar gesse (l[aum]r*j[e^]s or l[aum]r j[e^]s), n. [F. largesse, fr. large. See {Large}, a.] 1. Liberality; generosity; bounty. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Fulfilled of largesse and of all grace. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 2. A present; a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
largess — I (generosity) noun aid, almsgiving, altruism, assistance, benefaction, beneficence, benignancy, benignity, bounteousness, bountifulness, bounty, charitableness, charity, congiarium, free giving, freehandedness, freeness, generosity, generousness … Law dictionary
largess — boon, *gift, present, gratuity, favor Analogous words: benefaction, *donation, contribution: grant, subvention (see APPROPRIATION) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
largess — [adj] generosity aid, alms, altruistic, benefaction, benevolent, charitable, charity, donation, endowment, generous, gift, giving, philanthropy, thoughtful; concepts 404,542 … New thesaurus
largess — a bounty. The reapers in Essex and Suffolk ask all passengers for a largess, and when any money is given to them, all shout together, Largess! Largess! … A glossary of provincial and local words used in England
largess — largesse UK [lɑː(r)ˈdʒes] / US [lɑrˈdʒes] or largess UK / US noun Word forms largesse : singular largesse plural largesses formal a) [uncountable] generous acts of giving presents or money to a large number of people b) [countable] money or… … English dictionary
largess — noun see largesse … New Collegiate Dictionary
largess — /lahr jes , lahr jis/, n. 1. generous bestowal of gifts. 2. the gift or gifts, as of money, so bestowed. 3. Obs. generosity; liberality. Also, largesse. [1175 1225; ME largesse < OF; see LARGE, ICE] * * * … Universalium
largess — noun /lɑːˈʒɛs,lɑːˈdʒɛs,lɑɹˈdʒɛs,lɑɹˈʒɛs/ a) Generosity in the giving of gifts or money. b) The gifts or money given in such a way. Syn: benevolence, generosity, graciousness, boon Ant … Wiktionary
largess — Synonyms and related words: Trinkgeld, benevolence, bigheartedness, bonus, boon, bounteousness, bountifulness, bounty, bribe, compliment, consideration, donative, double time, easy purse strings, favor, fee, free hand, freedom, freehandedness,… … Moby Thesaurus
largess — I (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Gift] Syn. present, donation, contribution; see gift 1 . 2. [Generosity] Syn. bounty, charity, open handedness; see generosity 1 . II (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) a. generosity, charity, giving, gift giving, philanthropy,… … English dictionary for students