large-sized wood
Смотреть что такое "large-sized wood" в других словарях:
Wood drying — (also seasoning lumber or timber seasoning) refers to reducing the moisture content of wood prior to its use. For some purposes wood is not dried at all (it is used green ) [ wood] . Often the wood needs to be in … Wikipedia
Wood pulp — is a dry fibrous material prepared by chemically or mechanically separating the fibers which make up wood. Pulp can be either fluffy or formed into thick sheets. The latter form is used if the pulp must be transported from the pulp mill to a… … Wikipedia
Wood — Wooden redirects here. For other uses, see Wooden (disambiguation). Heartwood redirects here. For other uses, see Heartwood (disambiguation). This article is about the substance. For small forests, see woodland. For wood as a commodity, see… … Wikipedia
Wood Thrush — Taxobox name = Wood Thrush status = LC | status system = IUCN3.1 status ref = IUCN2006|assessors=BirdLife International|year=2004|id=51580|title=Hylocichla mustelina|downloaded=12 May 2006 Database entry contains justification for why species is… … Wikipedia
Wood Duck — See also Australian Wood Duck. Wood Duck Male in the Ouwehands Dierenpark, Netherlands … Wikipedia
CNC wood router — A CNC wood router uses CNC (computer numerical control) and is similar to a metal CNC mill with the following differences:*The wood router typically spins faster mdash; with a range of 13000 to 24,000 RPM *It typically uses smaller tools mdash;… … Wikipedia
Blue-headed Wood-dove — Taxobox name = Blue headed Wood dove status = LC | status system = IUCN3.1 image width = 225px regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves ordo = Columbiformes familia = Columbidae genus = Turtur species = T. brehmeri binomial = Turtur… … Wikipedia
ГОСТ 17462-84: Продукция лесозаготовительной промышленности. Термины и определения — Терминология ГОСТ 17462 84: Продукция лесозаготовительной промышленности. Термины и определения оригинал документа: 43. Авиационное бревно Ндп. Авиадревесина D. Block für die Flugzeugindustrie E. Timber for aircraft production Бревно для… … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
крупномерный сортимент — Круглый сортимент, имеющий толщину в верхнем отрезе без коры от 26 см и более при измерении с градацией 2 см. [ГОСТ 17462 84] Тематики продукц. лесозаготовит. промышленности EN large sized wood DE Sortiment gröberer Durchmesser … Справочник технического переводчика
Крупномерный сортимент — 23. Крупномерный сортимент D. Sortiment groberer Durchmesser E. Large sized wood Круглый сортимент, имеющий толщину в верхнем отрезе без коры от 26 см и более при измерении с градацией 2 см Источник: ГОСТ 17462 84: Продукция лесозаготовительной… … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
List of birds of Colombia — This is a list of the bird species recorded in Colombia. The avifauna of Colombia includes a total of 1895 species, of which 74 are endemic, 2 have been introduced by humans, and 87 are rare or accidental. 1 species listed is extirpated in… … Wikipedia