large-panel construction

large-panel construction
крупнопанельная конструкция

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "large-panel construction" в других словарях:

  • Panel painting — The Ghent Altarpiece by Jan Van Eyck and his brothers, 1432. A large altarpiece on panel. The outer wings are hinged, and painted on both sides. A panel painting is a painting made on a flat panel made of wood, either a single piece, or a number… …   Wikipedia

  • Construction projects in Providence — Providence s existing skyline seen with condominium construction in foreground As a consequence of the city of Providence, Rhode Island s so called Renaissance that started in the 1970s, free land and economic conditions became favorable to large …   Wikipedia

  • panel — /pan l/, n., v., paneled, paneling or (esp. Brit.) panelled, panelling. n. 1. a distinct portion, section, or division of a wall, wainscot, ceiling, door, shutter, fence, etc., esp. of any surface sunk below or raised above the general level or… …   Universalium

  • panel — pan•el [[t]ˈpæn l[/t]] n. v. eled, el•ing (esp. brit.) elled, el•ling. 1) bui archit. a distinct section of a wall, wainscot, door, etc., esp. one sunk below or raised above the surface or enclosed by a frame or border 2) bui a comparatively thin …   From formal English to slang

  • building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… …   Universalium

  • Girder and Panel building sets — were a building toy that was created by Kenner Toys in the 50 s. This came about when Kenner President Albert Steiner witnessed the construction of a new office building in Cincinnati. This girder and panel construction method inspired Kenner to… …   Wikipedia

  • Frameless construction — in cabinetmaking refers to the construction of cabinets using flat panels of engineered wood usually particle board, plywood or medium density fibreboard rather than the traditional frame and panel construction.A common construction method for… …   Wikipedia

  • Reema construction — is a system of building using prefabricated reinforced concrete panels which came into being in the late 1940s and was still in use well into the 1960s.Buildings made in this way are currently (2008) very hard to obtain finance on in the UK,… …   Wikipedia

  • Fire alarm control panel — A fire alarm control panel (FACP), also called a fire alarm panel. Technicians usually refer to the FACP as the panel. A fire alarm control panel is the central control device that receives information from input devices (smoke detectors, heat… …   Wikipedia

  • TGV track construction — LGV construction is the process by which the land on which TGV trains are to run is prepared for their use, involving carving the trackbed and laying the track. It is similar to the building of standard railway lines, but there are differences.… …   Wikipedia

  • Solar panel — Photovoltaic module redirects here. For the heat collectors, see Solar thermal collector. An installation of solar panels in rural Mongolia …   Wikipedia

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