Large-handed — Large hand ed, a. Having large hands. (Fig.): Taking, or giving, in large quantities; rapacious or bountiful. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
large-handed — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ adjective 1. obsolete : grasping, rapacious 2. : openhanded, liberal … Useful english dictionary
handed — adjective Date: 15th century 1. having a hand or hands especially of a specified kind or number usually used in combination < a large handed man > 2. using a specified hand or number of hands used in combination < right handed > < a one handed… … New Collegiate Dictionary
handed — hand·ed han dəd adj 1) having a hand or hands esp. of a specified kind or number usu. used in combination <a large handed man> 2) using a specified hand or number of hands used in combination <right handed> … Medical dictionary
large — Synonyms and related words: Brobdingnagian, Gargantuan, adipose, altogether, ample, amplitudinous, as a whole, astronomical, at large, at liberty, awesome, beamy, beneficent, big, bighearted, boundless, bounteous, bountiful, brawny, broad, bulky … Moby Thesaurus
large-hearted — adj 1. generous, kindhearted, charitable, bountiful, bounteous, giving, liberal; big hearted, humanitarian, philanthropic, munificent; benevolent, benificent, benign, benignant, magnanimous, open handed; altruistic, public spirited, unselfish,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Sulawesi White-handed Shrew — Conservation status Least Concern (IUCN 2.3) Scientific classification … Wikipedia
Single-Handed Trans-Atlantic Race — The Single handed Trans Atlantic Race, or STAR, is an east to west yacht race across the North Atlantic. When inaugurated in 1960, it was the first single handed ocean yacht race; it is run from Plymouth to the USA, and is held every four years.… … Wikipedia
Single-handed sailing — The sport of single handed sailing is sailing with only one crewmember (ie. only one person on board the vessel). The term is usually used with reference to ocean and long distance sailing, and particularly competitive sailing. Terminology In… … Wikipedia
Left-handed specialist — In baseball, a left handed specialist is a left handed relief pitcher who specializes in getting left handed or poor right handed switch batters out. These pitchers will commonly only pitch to a very small number of batters in each outing (often… … Wikipedia
Two-handed sword — A two handed sword, used as a general term, is any large sword that requires two hands to use, in particular:* the European longsword, popular in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. * the Zweihänder sword favored by the Landsknechts of 16th century… … Wikipedia