- laparoscopy
- мед. лапароскопия (диагностический осмотр брюшной полости и внутренних органов) (медицина) лапароскопия (диагностический осмотр брюшной полости и внутренних органов)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
laparoscopy — n. Laparotomy performed with a laparoscope. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
laparoscopy — 1855, from SCOPY (Cf. scopy) + Gk. lapara flank, from laparos soft, from PIE *lep to peel. Related: Laparoscopic; laparoscope … Etymology dictionary
laparoscopy — /lap euh ros keuh pee/, n., pl. laparoscopies. Surg. examination of the abdominal cavity or performance of minor abdominal surgery using a laparoscope. [1850 55; LAPARO + SCOPY] * * * or peritoneoscopy Procedure for inspecting the abdominal… … Universalium
laparoscopy — Examination of the contents of the abdominopelvic cavity with a laparoscope passed through the abdominal wall. SEE ALSO: peritoneoscopy. SYN: abdominoscopy.L. first became clinically practicable with the development of fiberoptics in the 1960s… … Medical dictionary
laparoscopy — UK [ˌlæpəˈrɒskəpɪ] / US [ˌlæpəˈrɑskəpɪ] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms laparoscopy : singular laparoscopy plural laparoscopies medical a medical operation in which a narrow tube called a laparoscope is put into a part of the body in… … English dictionary
laparoscopy — noun (plural pies) Date: 1916 1. visual examination of the abdomen by means of a laparoscope 2. an operation (as tubal ligation or gall bladder removal) involving laparoscopy • laparoscopic adjective • laparoscopist noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
laparoscopy — peritoneoscopy; n. examination of the abdominal structures (which are contained within the peritoneum) by means of a (laparoscope). This is passed through a small incision in the wall of the abdomen after injecting carbon dioxide into the… … The new mediacal dictionary
laparoscopy — noun /lapəˈɹɒskəpi/ Examination of the loins or abdomen, now specifically examination or surgery on the peritoneal cavity using a laparoscope. Syn: laparoscopic surgery … Wiktionary
laparoscopy — lap|a|ros|co|py [ ,læpə raskəpi ] noun count or uncount MEDICAL a medical operation in which a narrow tube called a laparoscope is put into a part of the body in order to operate on it or examine it … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
laparoscopy — n. examination of the abdominal cavity by means of a laparoscope (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
laparoscopy — [ˌlapə rɒskəpi] noun (plural laparoscopies) a surgical procedure in which a fibre optic instrument is inserted through the abdominal wall to view the organs in the abdomen or permit small scale surgery. Derivatives laparoscope noun laparoscopic… … English new terms dictionary