Смотреть что такое "lanosterol" в других словарях:
lanostérol — [lanosteʀɔl] n. m. ÉTYM. XXe; de lano , et stérol. ❖ ♦ Chim. Alcool libre de la lanoline … Encyclopédie Universelle
Lanosterol — Chembox new ImageFile = Lanosterol skeletal.svg ImageSize = ImageFile2 = Lanosterol 3D sticks.png IUPACName = lanosta 8,24 dien 3 ol OtherNames = Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 79 63 0 PubChem = SMILES = C [C@H] (CCC=C(C)C) [C@H] 1CC [C@] … Wikipedia
Lanosterol — Molécula de Lanosterol El Lanosterol es un triterpenoide tetracíclico, que es el compuesto del que derivan todos los esteroides. Categoría: Esteroles … Wikipedia Español
Lanosterol 14 alpha-demethylase — cytochrome P450, family 51, subfamily A, polypeptide 1 Identifiers Symbol CYP51A1 Alt. symbols CYP51, P45014DM Entrez 1595 … Wikipedia
Lanosterol synthase — protein Name=lanosterol synthase (2,3 oxidosqualene lanosterol cyclase) caption= width= HGNCid=6708 Symbol=LSS AltSymbols= EntrezGene=4047 OMIM=600909 RefSeq=NM 002340 UniProt=P48449 PDB= ECnumber= Chromosome=21 Arm=q Band=22.3… … Wikipedia
lanosterol — /leuh nos teuh rawl , rol /, n. Biochem. a sterol, C30H50O, formed from squalene epoxide, that is a precursor in the biosynthesis of cholesterol and is a component of lanolin. [1925 30; LANO(LIN) + STEROL] * * * … Universalium
lanosterol — noun A triterpenoid sterol found in lanolin … Wiktionary
lanosterol — A zoosterol synthesized from squalene and a precursor to cholesterol. * * * la·nos·ter·ol lə näs tə .rȯl, .rōl n a crystalline sterol C30H50O that occurs in wool grease and yeast * * * la·nos·ter·ol (lə nosґtər ol) a tetracyclic sterol … Medical dictionary
lanosterol — la·nos·ter·ol … English syllables
lanosterol — ləˈnästəˌrȯl, rōl noun ( s) Etymology: lan + sterol : a crystalline tetracyclic alcohol C30H49OH that occurs in wool grease and yeast and may be regarded as a triterpenoid sterol … Useful english dictionary
Cholestenes — Lanosterol Cholestenes are derivatives of cholestanes which have a double bond. One of the most significant cholestenes is cholecalciferol. If there are two double bonds, the molecule is known as a cholestadiene . Examples include fusidic acid,… … Wikipedia