Смотреть что такое "langite" в других словарях:
Langite — Langite[1] Catégorie VII : sulfates, sélénates tellurates, chromates, molybdates, tungstates[2] … Wikipédia en Français
langite — ● langite nom féminin (de Viktor von Lang, nom propre) Sulfate hydraté naturel de cuivre, que l on trouve en Cornouailles … Encyclopédie Universelle
langite — (lan ji t ) s. f. Minéral découvert récemment dans le Cornouailles, et qui est un sous sulfate de cuivre hydraté d un bleu verdâtre … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
langite — lang·ite … English syllables
langite — ˈlaŋˌīt noun ( s) Etymology: Victor von Lang died 1921 Austrian physicist + English ite : a mineral Cu4(SO4)(OH)6.H2O (?) composed of a basic hydrous sulfate of copper … Useful english dictionary
Langit — (Bildbreite: 5 mm) Fundort: Alte Halden von Richtarova, Stare Hory, Špania Dolina, Slowakei Chemische Formel Cu4 … Deutsch Wikipedia
James Scullin — Infobox Prime Minister honorific prefix = The Right Honourable name=James Scullin order=9th Prime Minister of Australia Elections: 1929, 1931, 1934 term start =22 October 1929 term end =6 January 1932 predecessor =Stanley Bruce successor =Joseph… … Wikipedia
List of minerals K-M (complete) — It is currently not possible to have a complete list of minerals . The International Mineralogical Association is the international group that recognises new minerals and new mineral names, however minerals discovered before 1959 did not go… … Wikipedia
James McGirr — James (Jim) McGirr (6 February 1890 – 27 October, 1957) was the Labor Premier of New South Wales from 6 February, 1947 to 3 April, 1952.A Catholic, McGirr was the seventh son of John Patrick McGirr, farmer and Irish immigrant, and Mary O Sullivan … Wikipedia
Joseph Lyons — Infobox Prime Minister honorific prefix = The Right Honourable name=Joseph Lyons honorific suffix = CH order=10th Prime Minister of Australia Elections: 1931, 1934, 1937 term start =6 January 1932 term end =7 April 1939 predecessor =James Scullin … Wikipedia
Chalcophyllite — from the Ting Tang Mine, Carharrack, Cornwall, England. Photo by Rob Lavinsky General Category Arsenate minerals … Wikipedia