- landing troops
- ˈlændɪŋtru:ps десантные войска
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Landing Ship, Tank — A Canadian LST off loads an M4 Sherman during the Allied invasion of Sicily in 1943. Landing Ship, Tank (LST) was the military designation for naval vessels created during World War II to support amphibious operations by carrying significant… … Wikipedia
Landing Craft Infantry — The Landing craft, Infantry or LCI was a sea going amphibious assault ship of the Second World War for landing large number of infantry directly onto beaches. HistoryIn 1942 the British concluded that a larger landing craft was needed than their… … Wikipedia
Landing Craft Assault — The Landing Craft Assault (LCA) was the British and Commonwealth landing craft of the Second World War. It was the main small landing craft used to put troops ashore on Omaha, Utah, Juno, Gold and Sword Beaches. HistoryAfter the problems… … Wikipedia
Landing operation — Allied invasion of Sicily, 1943 A landing operation is a military action aimed at a bringing the landing force usually via landing craft to a shore or to land with the purpose of power projection ashore by forces coming usually from ships and… … Wikipedia
Landing Craft Support — The Landing Craft, Support (Large) later reclassified Landing Ship Support, Large class of amphibious assault ships were used by the United States Navy in World War II in the Pacific. They were primarily used to close support before landing… … Wikipedia
landing area — 1. That part of the operational area within which are conducted the landing operations of an amphibious force. It includes the beach, the approaches to the beach, the transport areas, the fire support areas, the airspace occupied by close… … Military dictionary
landing area — i. The general area used for landing troops and material either by an airdrop or an air or helicopter landing. This area includes one or more drop zones or landing strips. ii. The part of the movement area intended for landing or take off run of… … Aviation dictionary
landing craft — /ˈlændɪŋ kraft/ (say landing krahft) noun a low, flat bottomed boat, used for landing troops and equipment on a beach …
Landing craft — are boats and seagoing vehicles used to convey a landing force (infantry and vehicles) from the sea to the shore during an amphibious assault. Most renowned are those used to storm the beaches of Normandy, the Mediterranean, and many Pacific… … Wikipedia
Landing at Saidor — Part of World War II, Pacific War Troops of t … Wikipedia
Landing Ship Medium — were amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy in the World War II. Of comparable size to Landing Ship, Tank and the Landing Craft, Infantry, there were 558 LSM (Landing Ship, Medium) made for the USN between 1944 and 1945. The majority… … Wikipedia