- landing roll
- возд. пробег после посадки, послепосадочный пробег
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
landing roll — riedėjimas nutūpus statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Orlaivio judėjimas nuo tūpimo taško lėtėjant iki riedėjimo greičio mažėjimo ar visiško sustojimo. atitikmenys: angl. landing roll pranc. course à l’atterrissage … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
landing roll — The distance an aircraft travels on the ground after touchdown to the point where it can be stopped or exit to the taxiway. Also called a landing run … Aviation dictionary
landing roll — The movement of an aircraft from touchdown through deceleration to taxi speed or full stop … Military dictionary
landing flaps — A secondary control surface built into the wing by which the overall area of the wing or lift to drag (L/D) ratio can be increased. The increased wing area permits a lower landing speed. The increased drag reduces the speed on landing and… … Aviation dictionary
landing loads — The load or pressure exerted upon an aircraft at touchdown or upon a runway by an airplane during touchdown and in the landing roll. The aircraft design allows for the most severe landing loads, including those in an arrested landing … Aviation dictionary
landing distance — The distance from the runway threshold to the point at which an aircraft comes to a halt. In some definitions, it is the distance covered in a landing roll … Aviation dictionary
landing run — The distance from the touchdown point to the point where the aircraft can be brought to a stop or exit the runway. Also called a landing roll … Aviation dictionary
Roll-on/roll-off — (RORO or ro ro) ships are ferries designed to carry wheeled cargo such as automobiles, trucks, semi trailer trucks, trailers or railroad cars. This is in contrast to lo lo (lift on lift off) vessels which use a crane to load and unload cargo.RORO … Wikipedia
roll|out — roll out or roll|out «ROHL OWT», noun. 1. Informal. the first public showing of something new, as an aircraft or space vehicle. 2. U.S. Football. a play in which a quarterback runs out of the area formed by blockers before passing: »Duhon…was a… … Useful english dictionary
Landing On Water — est un album de Neil Young. 1986 Aucun morceau remarquable, une sorte de Rock n Roll années 80 auquel Neil Young ne semble pas avoir su s adapter. Un disque à réserver aux inconditionnels du Country Rocker. Titres Weight Of the World Violent Side … Wikipédia en Français
Landing Ship, Tank — A Canadian LST off loads an M4 Sherman during the Allied invasion of Sicily in 1943. Landing Ship, Tank (LST) was the military designation for naval vessels created during World War II to support amphibious operations by carrying significant… … Wikipedia