lance corporal
Смотреть что такое "lance corporal" в других словарях:
Lance corporal — is a military rank, used by many armed forces worldwide, and also by some police forces and other uniformed organizations. It is below the rank of corporal, and is typically the lowest non commissioned officer, usually equivalent to the NATO Rank … Wikipedia
Lance Corporal — is a military rank, used by many armed forces worldwide, and also by some police forces and other uniformed organizations. It is below the rank of Corporal, and is typically the lowest non commissioned or enlisted rank, usually equivalent to the… … Wikipedia
lance corporal — n. [< obs. lance (pesade), lance corporal (< MFr lance pessade, infantry officer under the rank of corporal < It lancia spezzata, lit., broken lance) + CORPORAL1] 1. Brit. Army a private acting temporarily as a corporal ☆ 2. U.S. Marine… … English World dictionary
Lance corporal — Lance Lance (l[a^]ns), n. [OE. lance, F. lance, fr. L. lancea; cf. Gr. lo gchh. Cf. {Launch}.] 1. A weapon of war, consisting of a long shaft or handle and a steel blade or head; a spear carried by horsemen, and often decorated with a small flag; … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lance corporal — Corporal Cor po*ral (k[^o]r p[ o]*ral), n. [Corrupted fr. F. caporal, It. caporale, fr. capo head, chief, L. caput. See {Chief}, and cf. {Caporal}.] (Mil.) A noncommissioned officer, next below a sergeant. In the United States army he is the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lance corporal — lance cor por*al, n. 1. A {lancepesade}. [PJC] 2. An enlisted member of the United States Marine Corps ranking between a private first class and a corporal. [PJC] 3. The lowest rank of corporal; a term used in the British military. RHUD [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lance corporal — ► NOUN ▪ a rank of non commissioned officer in the British army, above private and below corporal. ORIGIN on the analogy of obsolete lancepesade, the lowest grade of non commissioned officer, from Italian lancia spezzata broken lance … English terms dictionary
lance corporal — n [Date: 1700 1800; Origin: lancepesade officer of lowest rank (16 19 centuries), from early French lancepessade, from Old Italian lancia spezzata broken lance, experienced soldier ] a low level rank in the Marines or the British army, or someone … Dictionary of contemporary English
lance corporal — noun count a person of low rank in the MARINES or the British army … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Lance Corporal — Dienstgradabzeichen eines Lance Corporals des United States Marine Corps Der Lance Corporal (kurz: LCpl oder L/Cpl) ist ein militärischer Dienstgrad, der von vielen Streitkräften, Polizeieinheiten und anderen gleichwertig organisierten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
lance corporal — noun an enlisted man in the marine corps ranking above a private first class and below a corporal • Hypernyms: ↑noncommissioned officer, ↑noncom, ↑enlisted officer * * * noun, pl ⋯ rals [count] : a person in the U.S. Marines, the Royal Marines,… … Useful english dictionary