lamp heating
Смотреть что такое "lamp heating" в других словарях:
lamp heating — lempinis kaitinimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. lamp heating vok. Lampenheizung, f rus. ламповый нагрев, m pranc. chauffage par tube, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Heating element — A heating element converts electricity into heat through the process of Joule heating. Electric current through the element encounters resistance, resulting in heating of the element. Most heating elements use Nichrome 80/20 (80% nickel, 20%… … Wikipedia
Lamp (electrical component) — A lamp is a replaceable component such as an incandescent light bulb, which is designed to produce light from electricity. These components usually have a base of ceramic, metal, glass or plastic, which makes an electrical connection in the… … Wikipedia
lamp — Illuminating device; source of light. SEE ALSO: light. annealing l. an alcohol l. with a soot free flame used in dentistry to drive off the protective NH3 gas coating from the surface of cohesive gold foil. Edridge Green l. a lantern used to … Medical dictionary
lamp — /læmp / (say lamp) noun 1. any of various devices for using an illuminant, as gas or electricity, or for heating, as by burning alcohol. 2. a vessel for containing a flammable liquid, as oil, which is burnt at a wick as a means of illumination. 3 …
soldering lamp — lamp used when attaching metal parts by heating them … English contemporary dictionary
Compact fluorescent lamp — Low energy light bulb redirects here. For other low energy bulbs, see LED lamp. The tubular type compact fluorescent lamp is one of the most popular types in Europe … Wikipedia
TDP mineral lamp — The TDP mineral lamp is a medical device which comes under FDA Class II as a far infrared heating device. The premise of the lamp is that the far infrared (below visible light) emissions increases microcirculation and loosens fascia to accelerate … Wikipedia
Kerosene lamp — The kerosene lamp (widely known in Britain as a paraffin lamp) is any type of lighting device which uses kerosene (paraffin) as a fuel. There are two main types of kerosene lamp which work in different ways, the wick lamp and the pressure lamp… … Wikipedia
incandescent lamp — a lamp that emits light due to the glowing of a heated material, esp. the common device in which a tungsten filament enclosed within an evacuated glass bulb is rendered luminous by the passage of an electric current through it. Cf. fluorescent… … Universalium
LED lamp — An LED lamp (LED light bulb) is a solid state lamp that uses light emitting diodes (LEDs) as the source of light. The LEDs involved may be conventional semiconductor light emitting diodes, organic LEDs (OLED), or polymer light emitting diodes… … Wikipedia