Смотреть что такое "lamiae" в других словарях:
LAMIAE — I. LAMIAE al. Maleficae, in Italia communiter Strigiae, ad similitudinem strigis nocturnae et importunae, quia noctu praecipue dicuntur in maleficiis versari; nonnullis, Magae, Incantatrices, aliisque nominibus ab aliis insignitae: secta mulierum … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
lamiae — Monstrous female birth DEMONs found in Middle Eastern and Greek lore. The lamiae are named after Lamme, a destroyer deity in Babylonian and Assyrian lore, and Lamia, who was the mistress of Zeus. Lamia was the beautiful daughter of Belus, the… … Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology
lamiae — n. mythological monster having a woman s head and torso and a snake s body (Classical Mythology); vampire, female demon … English contemporary dictionary
Lamia (mythology) — Infobox Paranormalcreatures Creature Name = Lamia Image Caption = The Lamia (painting by Herbert James Draper, 1909) Grouping = Legendary Creature Sub Grouping = Daimon AKA = Similar creatures = Empusa, Mormo Mythology = Greek Country = Libya… … Wikipedia
Athlétisme aux Jeux panarabes de 2007 — Infobox compétition sportive Athlétisme aux Jeux panarabes de 2007 Sport Athlétisme Édition 11e Lieu … Wikipédia en Français
Dusios — In the Gaulish language, Dusios[1] was a divine being[2] among the continental Celts[3] who was identified with the god Pan of ancient Greek religion and with the gods Faunus, Inuus, Silvanus, and Incubus of ancient Roman religion. Like these… … Wikipedia
LAMIA — I. LAMIA Praetor, in rogum, pro mortuo coniectus. Plin. l. 7. c. 52. Piorat. Ael. Lamiae dedicavit Od. 17. Carm. l. 3. II. LAMIA dicta quasi Λαίμια ἀπὸ τοῦ ἔχειν μέγαν λαιμὸν, quod habeat magnum guttur. Duris Histor. l. 2. rer. Libyc. tradit,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Lamia Stories — (LAY me uh Stor ees) In ancient Babylon, there were tales told of Lilatou, a vampiric being who fed off the blood of children. Its name translated to mean vampire. In Assyria and late period Babylon, she was called Lilats. Later, throughout… … Encyclopedia of vampire mythology
Nocticula — (Noct TIC oo la) Variations: Herodiade, The Diana of the Ancient Gauls, The Moon Nocticula is a vampiric, demonic goddess from France, a singular entity; her followers were most active during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Nocticula, a… … Encyclopedia of vampire mythology
Lamos — (Latinized as Lamus) is a name variously applied in Greek mythology and in classical geographical writings.* Lamos (Helicon), a small river on the summit of Mt. Helicon according to Pausanias (9.31.7). A note in the Loeb edition indicates some… … Wikipedia
Aelia — Aelius (weibliche Form Aelia) war das Nomen der gens Aelia, einer plebejischen Familie im Römischen Reich. Sie wird zuerst im 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. erwähnt. Der Name kam bis zur Spätantike vor, besonders verbreitet dadurch, dass er ab dem 2.… … Deutsch Wikipedia