lamellar — 1. Arranged in thin plates or scales. SYN: lamellate, lamellated. 2. Relating to lamellae. * * * la·mel·lar lə mel ər adj 1) composed of or arranged in lamellae <lamellar bone> 2) LAMELLIFORM * * * la·mel·lar (lə melґər) 1.… … Medical dictionary
lamellate — adjective Date: 1826 1. composed of or furnished with lamellae 2. lamellar 2 • lamellately adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
lamellar — lamellarly, adv. /leuh mel euhr, lam euh leuhr/, adj. 1. referring to a lamella or lamellae. 2. lamellate. 3. noting a type of armor composed of small plates or lames laced together. 4. Math. conservative (def. 7). [1785 95; LAMELL(A) + AR1] * *… … Universalium
lamellate, lamellated — SYN: lamellar (1) … Medical dictionary
lamellate — Synonyms and related words: filmy, foliaceous, foliated, in layers, lamellar, lamellated, lamelliform, laminate, laminated, laminous, leaflike, leafy, membranous, scummy, spathic, spathose, stratified, stratiform, three ply, two ply … Moby Thesaurus
lamellar — a. Lamellate, lamellated, laminar, laminated, foliated, foliaceous, scaly, flaky, schistose … New dictionary of synonyms
lamellate — a.; (also lamellated) See lamellar … New dictionary of synonyms
lamellar — la•mel•lar [[t]ləˈmɛl ər, ˈlæm ə lər[/t]] adj. 1) anat. bot zool. referring to a lamella or lamellae 2) anat. bot zool. lamellate • Etymology: 1785–95 la•mel′lar•ly, adv … From formal English to slang
lamellar — /ləˈmɛlə/ (say luh meluh) adjective 1. relating to a lamella or lamellae. 2. → lamellate …
filmy — Synonyms and related words: attenuate, attenuated, beclouded, blear, bleared, bleary, blurred, blurry, clear, clear as crystal, clouded, cloudy, cobwebby, confused, crystal, crystal clear, crystalline, dainty, dark, delicate, diaphane, diaphanous … Moby Thesaurus
foliated — Synonyms and related words: bowery, branched, branching, branchy, filmy, foliaceous, foliaged, foliate, foliose, in layers, lamellar, lamellate, lamellated, lamelliform, laminate, laminated, laminous, leaflike, leafy, leaved, leavy, membranous,… … Moby Thesaurus