lamellar pearlite

lamellar pearlite
пластинчатый перлит

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "lamellar pearlite" в других словарях:

  • Pearlite — is a two phased, lamellar (or layered) structure composed of alternating layers of alpha ferrite (88 wt%) and cementite (12%) that occurs in some steels and cast irons. It forms by a eutectoid reaction as austenite is slowly cooled below 727°C.… …   Wikipedia

  • Lamellar structure — Lamellar structures or microstructures are composed of fine, alternating layers of different materials in the form of lamellae. They are often observed in cases where a phase transformation front moves quickly, leaving behind two solid products,… …   Wikipedia

  • pearlite — noun Etymology: French perlite, from perle pearl Date: 1888 the lamellar mixture of ferrite and cementite in slowly cooled iron carbon alloys occurring normally as a principal constituent of both steel and cast iron • pearlitic adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • pearlite — pearlitic /perr lit ik/, adj. /perr luyt/, n. 1. Metall. a microscopic lamellar structure found in iron or steel, composed of alternating layers of ferrite and cementite. 2. Petrog. perlite. [1885 90; PEARL1 + ITE1] * * * …   Universalium

  • pearlite — noun A two phased lamellar structure composed of alternating layers of alpha ferrite and cementite that occurs in some steels and cast irons, having a pearlescent appearance …   Wiktionary

  • pearlite — a lamellar constituent of steel consisting of alternate layers of ferrite (alpha iron) and cementite (iron Carbide Fe3C) and is formed on cooling austenite at 723 deg C. This produces a tough structure and is responsible for the mechanical… …   Mechanics glossary

  • pearlite — pearl•ite [[t]ˈpɜr laɪt[/t]] n. 1) a microscopic lamellar structure found in iron or steel, composed of alternating layers of ferrite and cementite 2) perlite • Etymology: 1885–90 pearl•it′ic ˈlɪt ɪk adj …   From formal English to slang

  • lamellar mixture — noun a mixture in which substances occur in distinct layers • Hypernyms: ↑mixture • Hyponyms: ↑pearlite …   Useful english dictionary

  • Annealing (metallurgy) — Annealing, in metallurgy and materials science, is a heat treatment wherein a material is altered, causing changes in its properties such as strength and hardness. It is a process that produces conditions by heating to above the recrystallization …   Wikipedia

  • steel — steellike, adj. /steel/, n. 1. any of various modified forms of iron, artificially produced, having a carbon content less than that of pig iron and more than that of wrought iron, and having qualities of hardness, elasticity, and strength varying …   Universalium

  • Bainite — is a phase that exists in steel microstructures after certain heat treatments. First described by Davenport E. S. and Edgar Bain, it is one of the decomposition products that may form when austenite (the face centered cubic crystal structure of… …   Wikipedia

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