Смотреть что такое "lakh" в других словарях:
Lakh — (Hindi: लाख, lākh, [lɑːkʰ]; von Sanskrit लक्ष, lakṣa, [ˈlʌkʂʌ]; englisch auch lac(k)) ist das südasiatische Zahlwort für „einhunderttausend“. Varianten des Wortes kommen in den meisten südasiatischen Sprachen und im Swahili vor. Auch im indischen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lakh — Lakh, n. Same as {Lac}, one hundred thousand. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lakh — lakh·mid; lakh; … English syllables
lakh — [lak] n. [Hindi lākh < Sans lakṣa] in India and Pakistan, a) the sum of 100,000: said specifically of rupees b) any indefinitely large number … English World dictionary
Lakh — A lakh (also written lac, and lackh in an Indian english language news source, India PR Wire, 8 Oct 08) is a unit in the Indian numbering system equal to one hundred thousand (100,000; 105). It is widely used both in official and other contexts… … Wikipedia
Lakh — Un lakh (también suele escribirse lac) es una unidad en el sistema numérico indio usado con amplitud tanto oficialmente como en otros contextos en Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Birmania y Pakistán. Un lakh equivale a cien mil, es decir 105 … Wikipedia Español
Lakh — Numération indienne Numérations selon les cultures Numération arabo indienne arabe khmer indienne mongole thaï Numérations à l’origine chinoise chinoise japonaise à bâtons suzhou Numérations al … Wikipédia en Français
Lakh — Lac Lac (l[a^]k), Lakh Lakh (l[aum]k), n. [Hind. lak, l[=a]kh, l[=a]ksh, Skr. laksha a mark, sign, lakh.] One hundred thousand; also, a vaguely great number; as, a lac of rupees. [Written also {lack}.] [East Indies] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lakh — or lac a traditional unit of quantity in India, equal to 105 or 100 000. In India the lakh is used commonly instead of the million and commas are used to isolate the number of lakh; for example, the number 5 300 000 is called 53 lakh and… … Dictionary of units of measurement
lakh — noun Etymology: Hindi & Urdu lākh Date: 1599 1. one hundred thousand < 50 lakhs of rupees > 2. a great number • lakh adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
lakh — lack, lac ou lakh [lak] n. m. ÉTYM. 1770, lack; lekke, 1678; lac, 1867, Littré; transcription de l indo aryen lākh ou du persan lāk, du sanskrit lākshā « cent mille ». ❖ ♦ Un lack de roupies : cent mille roupies. ❖ HOM. Lac, laque … Encyclopédie Universelle