lag curve

lag curve
кривая добегания (стока)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "lag curve" в других словарях:

  • Bas-Lag — is the fictional world in which several of China Miéville s novels are set. Bas Lag is a world where both magic (referred to as thaumaturgy ) and steampunk technology exist, and is home to many intelligent races. It is influenced by the themes… …   Wikipedia

  • Diauxic growth curve — A diauxic growth curve refers to the growth curve generated by an organism which has two growth peaks. The theory behind the diauxic growth curve stems from Jacques Monod s Ph.D. research in 1940. A simple example involves the bacterium E. coli,… …   Wikipedia

  • turbo lag — Within a turbocharger s operating range, lag is the delay between the instant a car s accelerator is depressed and the time the turbocharged engine develops a large fraction of the power available at that point in the engine s power curve …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Circuit Lag —   As time increases from zero at the terminals of an inductor, the voltage comes to a particular value on the sine function curve ahead of the current. The voltage reaches its negative peak exactly 90 degrees before the current reaches its… …   Energy terms

  • Glossary of cue sports terms — The following is a glossary of traditional English language terms used in the three overarching cue sports disciplines: carom (or carambole) billiards referring to the various carom games played on a billiard table without pockets; pool (pocket… …   Wikipedia

  • Hysteresis — Not to be confused with Hysteria. Fig. 1. Electric displacement field D of a ferroelectric material as the electric field E is first decreased, then increased. The curves form a hysteresis loop. Hysteresis is the dependence of a system not… …   Wikipedia

  • ECONOMIC AFFAIRS — THE PRE MANDATE (LATE OTTOMAN) PERIOD Geography and Borders In September 1923 a new political entity was formally recognized by the international community. Palestine, or Ereẓ Israel as Jews have continued to refer to it for 2,000 years,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Monopsony — In economics, a monopsony (from Ancient Greek μόνος (monos) single + ὀψωνία (opsōnia) purchase ) is a market form in which only one buyer faces many sellers. It is an example of imperfect competition, similar to a monopoly, in which only one… …   Wikipedia

  • Intelligent — Intelligenz (lat.: intelligentia „Einsicht, Erkenntnisvermögen“, intellegere „einsehen, verstehen“) bezeichnet im weitesten Sinne die geistige Fähigkeit zum Erkennen von Zusammenhängen und zum Finden von Problemlösungen. Intelligenz kann auch als …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Schlussfolgerndes Denken — Intelligenz (lat.: intelligentia „Einsicht, Erkenntnisvermögen“, intellegere „einsehen, verstehen“) bezeichnet im weitesten Sinne die geistige Fähigkeit zum Erkennen von Zusammenhängen und zum Finden von Problemlösungen. Intelligenz kann auch als …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cobweb model — The cobweb model or cobweb theory is an economic model that explains why prices might be subject to periodic fluctuations in certain types of markets. It describes cyclical supply and demand in a market where the amount produced must be chosen… …   Wikipedia

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