Смотреть что такое "lactone" в других словарях:
Lactone — Lactone, Singular Lacton das, s, aus Hydroxycarbonsäuren durch intramolekulare Wasserabspaltung entstehende, meist flüssige oder niedrigschmelzende Verbindungen (zyklische innere Ester der Hydroxycarbonsäuren). Je nach Stellung der… … Universal-Lexikon
lactone — ● lactone nom féminin Nom générique des esters, dont le groupe fonctionnel ―CO―O― fait partie d un cycle. (De formule générale (CR2)nCO―O, les lactones se forment à partir des acides alcools ou des oxydes phénols, ou encore par oxydation ménagée… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Lactone — Lac tone, n. (Chem.) One of a series of organic compounds, being cyclic esters which may be regarded as anhydrides of certain hydroxy acids. In general, they are colorless liquids, having a weak aromatic odor. They are so called because the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lactone — [lak′tōn΄] n. [ LACT(O) + ONE] any of a group of organic cyclic esters formed by the elimination of a molecule of water from the OH and COOH groups of a molecule of a hydroxy acid … English World dictionary
Lactone — β propiolactone, formed from β hydroxypropionic acid In chemistry, a lactone is a cyclic ester[1] which can be seen as the condensation product of an alcohol group OH and a carboxylic acid group COOH in the same molecule. It is characterized by a … Wikipedia
Lactone — Verschiedene Lactone, von links nach rechts : β , γ , δ und ε Lacton. Als Lactone bezeichnet man Moleküle in der organischen Chemie, in denen eine Esterbindung zwischen einer Hydroxy und einer Carboxygruppe desselben Moleküls aufgebaut wird … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lactone — Structure de la bêta lactone, hétérocycle à 3 carbones … Wikipédia en Français
lactone — laktonas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Vidinis ciklinis hidroksirūgšties esteris. atitikmenys: angl. lactone rus. лактон … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
lactone — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1880 any of various cyclic esters formed from hydroxy acids • lactonic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
lactone — lactonic /lak ton ik/, adj. /lak tohn/, n. Chem. any of a group of internal esters derived from hydroxy acids. [1840 50; LACT + ONE] * * * ▪ chemical compound any of a class of cyclic organic esters (ester), usually formed by reaction of a… … Universalium
lactone — noun A cyclic intramolecular ester derived from a hydroxy acid … Wiktionary