- lactic acid fermentation
- молочнокислое брожение
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Lactic acid fermentation — is a biological process by which sugars such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose, are converted into cellular energy and the metabolic waste product fermental acid. It is a form of fermentation that occurs in some bacteria and animal cells in the… … Wikipedia
lactic acid fermentation — (lak tik) A fermentation that produces lactic acid as the sole or primary product … Dictionary of microbiology
Lactic acid — L Lactic acid … Wikipedia
Lactic acid — Lactic Lac tic, a. [L. lac, lactis, milk: cf. F. lactique. See {Lacteal}, and cf. {Galactic}.] (Physiol. Chem.) Of or pertaining to milk; procured from sour milk or whey; as, lactic acid; lactic fermentation, etc. [1913 Webster] {Lactic acid}… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lactic acid — n. a yellowish or clear, syrupy organic acid, CH3CHOHCOOH, produced by the fermentation of lactose when milk sours or from sucrose and some other carbohydrates by the action of certain microorganisms, and used in tanning leather, as a… … English World dictionary
lactic acid — A normal intermediate in the fermentation (oxidation, metabolism) of sugar. In pure form, a syrupy, odorless, and colorless liquid obtained by the action of the l. bacillus on … Medical dictionary
Lactic acid bacteria — The Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) comprise a clade of Gram positive, low GC, acid tolerant, non sporulating, non respiring rod or cocci that are associated by their common metabolic and physiological characteristics. These bacteria, usually found in … Wikipedia
lactic acid — Biochem. a colorless or yellowish, syrupy, water soluble liquid, C3H6O3, produced during muscle contraction as a product of anaerobic glucose metabolism, abundant in sour milk, prepared usually by fermentation of cornstarch, molasses, potatoes,… … Universalium
lactic-acid bacterium — ▪ microorganism plural lactic acid bacteria, any member of several genera of gram positive, rod or sphere shaped bacteria that produce lactic acid as the principal or sole end product of carbohydrate fermentation. Lactic acid bacteria… … Universalium
lactic acid — a compound that forms in the cells as the end product of glucose metabolism in the absence of oxygen (see glycolysis). During strenuous exercise pyruvic acid is reduced to lactic acid, which may accumulate in the muscles and cause cramp. Lactic… … The new mediacal dictionary
lactic acid bacterium — noun or lactic bacterium : any of various bacteria chiefly of the genera Lactobacillus and Streptococcus that produce predominantly lactic fermentation on suitable media and some of which are used in the commercial production of lactic acid and… … Useful english dictionary