lack of care
Смотреть что такое "lack of care" в других словарях:
lack of care — index disregard (unconcern), inconsideration Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
care — n 1: watchful or protective attention, caution, concern, prudence, or regard usu. towards an action or situation; esp: due care a person has a duty to use care in dealing with others, and failure to do so is negligence R. I. Mehr see also due… … Law dictionary
lack — [[t]læ̱k[/t]] ♦♦ lacks, lacking, lacked 1) N UNCOUNT: also a N, usu N of n If there is a lack of something, there is not enough of it or it does not exist at all. Despite his lack of experience, he got the job... The charges were dropped for lack … English dictionary
Care of the Poor by the Church — Care of the Poor by the Church † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Care of the Poor by the Church I. OBJECTS, HISTORY, AND ORGANIZATION A. The care of the poor is a branch of charity. In the narrow sense charity means any exercise of mercy… … Catholic encyclopedia
CARE (relief) — CARE is one of the largest international relief and humanitarian organizations in the world, with programs in nearly 70 countries. Worldwide staffing exceeds 12,000, most of whom come from the nation in which they work.CARE (originally… … Wikipedia
Care in the Community — (also called Community Care or Domiciled Care ) is the British policy of deinstitutionalization, treating and caring for physically and mentally disabled people in their homes rather than in an institution. Institutional care was the target of… … Wikipedia
lack — I verb be bereft of, be deficient, be deprived of, be desirous, be destitute, be in need, be in want, be inadequate, be inferior, be insufficient, be needy, be poor, be wanting, be without, crave, desiderate, desire, fall short, feel a dearth,… … Law dictionary
care´less|ness — care|less «KAIR lihs», adjective. 1. not thinking what one says or not watching what one does; not taking enough pains; not careful: »That careless boy broke the cup. A careless mistake ruined the experiment. 2. done without enough thought or… … Useful english dictionary
care´less|ly — care|less «KAIR lihs», adjective. 1. not thinking what one says or not watching what one does; not taking enough pains; not careful: »That careless boy broke the cup. A careless mistake ruined the experiment. 2. done without enough thought or… … Useful english dictionary
care|less — «KAIR lihs», adjective. 1. not thinking what one says or not watching what one does; not taking enough pains; not careful: »That careless boy broke the cup. A careless mistake ruined the experiment. 2. done without enough thought or effort; not… … Useful english dictionary
CARE (relief agency) — Current CARE Logo CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere) is a broad spectrum secular relief, humanitarian, and development non governmental organization fighting global poverty. It is non political, non sectarian and operates… … Wikipedia